[center][h3][color=BC8F8F]Mikio[/color][/h3] [i]Tea Lounge[/i][/center] [hr] [center][@Renny][/center] [hr] Mikio waved good-bye to the two Doves as they departed the teahouse and disappeared into the swirling current of people outside. Curiosity danced about his mind as he repeated the Dove's strange commentary to the auburn-haired man. Had he missed something? Nothing about it made sense to Mikio, and as Naosada caught his attention with a question, Mikio's puzzlement spread across his face like a veil. "I've never seen one so..inquisitive? I guess that's the word. Not to any civilian, anyway. I've never found them the talkative type at all either, but always nice. To, uh, me, that is." Mikio offered an apologetic, meek smile. He looked down, realizing his anxious hands were vigorously wringing the damp cloth in his hand. Letting himself slip a sigh through his gritted teeth, Mikio turned around and tossed the tangled linen into the sink before quietly taking the untouched carafes of milk and sugary additives off of the counter. "Can I ask what you do for a living, sir? I don't think I've seen you around these parts before. Always nice to see new faces." Mikio inquired, his voice carefully inflective. He then added hurriedly, "Not that it's any of my, uhm, business. I know you've had to answer enough questions for one day." He looked over his shoulder and gave the same contrite smile that almost seemed to be a grimace, with embarrassed circles of red spotting his two cheeks.