[center][h3]Christian Dahl[/h3][/center] As Eris detailed her suggestion, Christian leaned back and patiently listened, a thoughtful expression on his face. When she finished, he took a moment to think before responding. [b]"Hmmm... First of all, please don't assume I care about recognition or fame to my name. I don't. I care if the plan works. ...but your suggestion might have merit. Therein lies the rub: I'm not the one who is going to be planning this attack. I'm a spy amongst other things, not a tactician. The responsibility of finalizing and executing an attack plan lies with you, or more specifically, Corporal Hunt. Reports say that your squad performed admirably in the battle for Vasel. I assume that you should have no problems creating your own strategy."[/b] After entertaining a few more questions, Christian produced a pocket watch and used it to check the time. [b]"Unfortunately, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to have to cut this meeting short. My supply contact is due to meet with me soon, and I must be off. Discuss your battle plan amongst yourselves and burn these documents after you're finished with them. I'll meet you outside the hotel in an hour. ... And make sure you've got anything you need for that picnic or disguise idea. I can supply weapons and uniforms, not food and cocktail dresses."[/b] Before he left, he slid two more photos onto the table, detailing the building they were going to be attacking. It was a simple, one story country house that looked like it might have been abandoned a few years back, sitting in a partially forested area. On his way out the door, he noticed that Eris was still flush and sweating bullets. [b]"Please, I do hope you don't think I'm [i]that[/i] unnerving to talk to."[/b] Christian tossed the joke her way as he headed out the door. [center]***[/center] True to his word, Christian rumbled up to the front of the hotel in the lorry he had acquired from his supplier about sixty minutes later. Honking the horn to signal his presence (and irritating the posh aristocrats within the building), he waited for the squad to board. [b]"We have to step up our timings, gentlemen. It looks like the guard might be relieved early today."[/b] When the squad's corporal pulled himself into the passenger seat, Dahl nodded to him. [b]"Good news, Mr. Hunt. A sniper rifle was indeed among the weapons my contact left at the pick up location."[/b] [center][h3][color=0072bc]Lilly Jatmoore[/color][/h3][/center] The long and winding road they drove took them about a half hour out of the city, through rolling farm hills and rich green forests. The drive would have almost been nice if Lilly was not fretting about what was to come. Either combat or some sort of infiltration, both options sent shivers down her spine... Oddly enough she almost preferred the straight forward combat option. At least then she knew what to expect... The truck suddenly lurched to a halt, sending Lilly colliding against the person beside her (an accident she rapidly apologized for). [b]"We have arrived, ladies and gentlemen."[/b] As the squad unloaded from the back of the Lorry, Lilly watched as Dahl produced a small note and (presumably following it's instructions) walked over to a small cluster of bushes. After a few seconds of fiddling around, he heaved a large trunk out of the bushes and pulled the camouflage netting that had covered of off to the side. Inside the trunk were maps, weapons and a set of uniforms... if they could be called that, for everyone in the squad. The uniforms in particular stuck out, however. They weren't in the usual Gallian colours. They looked much more patchwork and almost homemade, with their armour plates sewn into the fabric itself. [b]"The meeting house is half a mile down the road. Figure out what your plan is, and equip yourselves accordingly."[/b] With that, Christian stepped back to let the rest of the squad at the gear. Lilly peered into the box and wasted no time finding a rifle she could use. It was an older model, probably from the inter-war period, and looked like it had been through it's fair share of fights. Sighing, she set about loading it up and dusting it off. She'd grab a uniform from the trunk after everyone else had gotten their gear, but for now she wanted to make sure the weapon was at least somewhat clean and in fighting shape. [center][h3][color=0072bc]Evan Carne[/color][/h3][/center] Evan was at a bit of a loss for what to do... Looking through the trunk with the rest of the squad, he tried to figure out what he should take. He was technically trained with a rifle, but was absolutely shit with it. There were a pair of lances at the bottom, probably equipped with mortars. He could easily lift one of those, but hadn't been trained properly with them (outside of a single day on the range), so he knew he would have trouble hitting the broad side of a barn... Ditto with the SMGs. The uniforms were clearly made to fit the most common sizes of people, so they were far too tight for him. He wouldn't be much use trying to infiltrate... Hmm... [color=0072bc]"Yo, Chris. Got a problem."[/color] Calling the young man over, he took a moment to explain the problem, which only caused Christian to laugh. [b]"Please, do you think I have not read your training profiles? Take a walk with me, Mr. Carne."[/b] Underneath the Lorry was a hidden and hither-to unnoticed box. Undoing a clamp, Christian let it fall to the ground with a loud thud before gesturing for Evan to open it. Inside was... Oh. This was going to be a long walk... Inside the crate was a surprisingly modern mounted machinegun, complete with two belts of ammunition, a tripod and sights. [color=0072bc]"I take it I'll be setting up with you then?"[/color] [b]"That is correct. I'm going to be watching the operation from a nearby hill and you are going to set up near me with that machine gun. If things take a turn for the worse, we'll provide support with it."[/b] Evan smiled and nodded approvingly. [color=0072bc]"Just like in the training exercise."[/color] The heavy weight he'd have to carry aside, at least he had a job he could do.