and another round as always, liberties taken get in touch if you want me to make any changes [b]Father Ilya Bjornlie[/b][@Draken] Astraea greatly appreciates Ilya on a professional level. His calculated attitude to war along with his impressive dedication to his own craft reminds her all too much of her own father. His disdain for other people and ego maniacal nature are a less welcome reminder of her childhood. Ignoring her slight father issues Astraea has endeavoured to talk strategy with Ilya many times yet has struggled to make any headway with her colleague who is often far too busy enjoying the smell of his own gaseous emissions to take notice of her opinions. This deep wound to her pride forced her to look deeper at her counterparts work. Upon inspection she noticed he lacks the spontaneity and flair that separate good generals from great generals and so though she is willing to follow the battle plans he draws up like any good soldier she is also eagerly waiting for the day she can step in show her pompous colleague how a real Lanostraen general does it. [b]Father Galahad Qaid[/b][@vietmyke] would like your opinion on how we would play this. Both Lanostrans with similar upbringings. How do you think they would get on?