[b]September 1939[/b] [b]Germany, Leader Adolf Hitler[/b] Achtung People of Germany, Today the Führer declared war on Poland, As of this morning 7 Tank Divisions, 5 motorized divisions, and 50 Infantry divisons, crossed the border into Poland. By the end of this month our goal is to have at least half the country under the vaterlands control. These divisions are being supported by 500 logistics trucks and the 900 planes in Luftflotte 1. [IMG]https://ww2aircraft.net/forum/media/28-1.19362/full[/IMG] [IMG]https://ww2aircraft.net/forum/media/panzers-on-the-move.10379/full[/IMG] In addition to that, defensive lines are in construction on our western border. [IMG]https://ww2aircraft.net/forum/media/w05_10710020.19878/full[/IMG] The research team expects that a new line of weapons for our men will be coming out in late summer of 1940. Reminder to all citizens, fuel is a luxury, don't waste it. In other news Messerschmit has sent an example of the BF109 to Colombia for the competition, the German army has also sent an example of their panzer III, and Panzer 38(T) Have You signed up for the Army? If not do so. [IMG]https://ww2aircraft.net/forum/media/german-propaganda-poster.12021/full[/IMG] [IMG]https://ww2aircraft.net/forum/media/eagle-and-flags.12018/full[/IMG] [b][i]Seig Heil[/i][/b]