Dropping this here so I don't forget to work on it. [hider=Goddess of Storms] Name: Typhonne, Goddess of Storms Gender: Female Appearance: All Gods and Goddesses stand between 12 and 14 feet tall please try to give a bit of specification in that regard Personality: Major Domain: Storms Minor Domains: Destruction and Fury Weaknesses: Your Avatar: Every God and Goddess has an Avatar, these usually take the form or a monster, or animal, and are usually enormous, these are not actually your god, simply a creature of your deities creation that represents them in their realms and can be used for combat. Avatars are capable of killing Gods. Stance: Part of the Trio, a group of three Gods looking to gain power together instead of just one. Loyalty During the Rebellion: Center of Power: A small object no larger than a softball, but no bigger than a grape. This object represents the power you god holds over their major domain. These are important as any who wish to become the King of Gods must have every center of power offered to them and fit into it's place on the throne so that they may sit upon it. Once they have sat upon the throne they will then return the Centers of Power to their prospective owners. (Or maybe they wont.) Relations: Powers: Let’s get a semblance of an idea what your character is capable of doing in combat. Godly Equipment: List what you have here, and what it does. Demi Gods: These are children you have had with mortals. You cannot have more than 2. Please list their names, and what their supernatural properties are for being your child. They also typically stand around 8 to 10 feet tall Name of your Land: Lands: Flora, Fauna, Geography. Whats the land like where you live. People: What species are they? What ethnicity are they? Describe them here. Culture: What do your people do? How do they live? What do they enjoy? Architecture? Technology: What level of Technology do they have? Nothing later than early medieval Capital: What is the capital of your lands? Name it and describe it. Beings: What other immortal creatures live in your lands? Nymphs? Ogres? Elementals? List them here if they are not a main population of your creations. Some creatures just happened without any god creating them. [/hider]