[@Drakey]Sorry, haven't had a chance to read it until now. That was really cool! It was great getting a peek into his mindset. Also, he and Ziotea are an adorable couple and I can't wait to see how their relationship develops! [@Sisyphus] Here's Hassan! Thought he'd look cool with a trenchcoat, so I gave him a trenchcoat! Gave him a few traditional T'saraen clothing accessories as well. :) [img]https://i.imgur.com/3PFvADh.png[/img] By the way, just in case anyone was wondering, these drawings are just for funsies. They aren't meant to be like, canon depictions of your characters or anything-- just my interpretations of them. I'm doing these as a thank you for you guys putting in so much effort into creating your characters and relationships, and also it's good practice for me! I actually haven't drawn seriously in years, so it's fun getting back into it. :p