Okay so got a couple things to do now. I've decided the House is based in the Riverlands, and will be named House Sleete. House Sleete's hold is Redgarde, a moderate keep on the red fork of the trident (the river system in the Riverlands.) They are loyal to House Tully. The family tends to have light brown hair and brown eyes. APP: (Please comment completed apps either here or PM them to me. You may have to adjust your app slightly later due to the characters all having interlinked histories. Just don't include anything to specific that would change anyone elses backstory dramatically for now.) [hider] *picture* Name Gender Age Origin Occupation (Nobility? Guard/Soldier? Merchant?) Place of Birth (Most likely Redgarde, if family.) Current Home (Where they live. Be specific. It is likely within Redgarde.) - Appearance - Personality (In depth description of their personality) - Personal Belongings (Any weapons, armour, mementos of note. You don't need to list everything.) - History (In depth paragraph of character's history.) [/hider] Here is an EXAMPLE of how I would like it to be formatted. This is a work in progress of Lord Sleete, so your character will most likely have some sort of connection to him (be that by blood, acquaintanceship, or employment.) [hider=Lord Hollan Sleete] [center] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/gameofthronesfanon/images/7/75/Garrick_Grayburn.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20160331032129[/img][/center] [hr][h3]Lord Sleete[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Hollan Sleete [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 44 years old [b]Origin:[/b] Riverlander (First Men) [b]Occupation:[/b] Lord of House Sleete [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Redgarde Keep, Riverlands, Westeros [b]Current Home:[/b] Redgarde Keep, Riverlands, Westeros [hr][h3]Appearance[/h3] [hider=Appearance]Work in progress. I will fully paragraph this shortly. *Balding, light brown hair cut very short. Stubble. *6 foot tall. *Brown eyes. *Has a significant limp in his left leg due to a battle wound from years ago. [/hider] [hr][h3]Personality[/h3] [hider=Personality]Work in progress. Hollan dearly cares for his family, and his people. That being said, from the outside looking in, he may not seem that way at all. He struggles to show his love and often distances himself from others, keeping himself occupied in maintaining his land. Due to this, he was not ever-present through his children's childhood. After losing his first son, who was named Alfrin, after Hollan's brother, he changed quite dramatically, going from being an open, warm family man to a cold and distant father. He cared for his children, he truly did, but he left most of the 'raising' aspect to his wife. He despises small-talk, and is very 'cut to the chase' in his methods, but he is still an intelligent man, and uses his tongue for diplomacy when he must, although he tries his hardest to keep pleasantries to a minimum. He does have an element of mercy and empathy to him, but he shuts it away when working - if he must execute a criminal to enforce the law even if he has pity for them, he shall. [/hider] [hr][h3]Personal Belongings[/h3] [hider=Personal Belongings]Work in progress. The House Sleete family longsword, Rainglade. [/hider] [hr][h3]History[/h3] [hider=History]Work in progress. I will fully paragraph this shortly. Summary: *Second son of his father. Became Lord during his early 30s after his brother, Alfrin, died of illness. *Makes his home in the keep of Redgarde, the hold of House Sleete. *Has 3+ children. His first son, Alfrin, passed away as a child. His second son, and heir, Gavyn, is currently in Riverrun serving House Tully. The rest of his children reside with him in Redgarde. *Has a wife of 20+ years who he has had all his children with. Has never conceived a bastard. [/hider][/hider]