[@Wick] [quote=@RumikoOhara] [@NarcissisticPotato][@Polaris North][@Dnafein][@Joker892][@Poi][@FortunesFaded][@Wick][@ReusableSword] I will begin writing up the Arlington encounter and present the rough to my CoGMs in perhaps an hour and if it all goes well Post it up later tonight or at the very least tomorrow All Scouts and Marksmen will be Under the Direct supervision of Jain as Chief Scout Split into three groups Jain will lead the Southern Approach, April will lead the Northern, Vicky and Billy will deploy ahead of the two Scouting parties and make an overwatch position. They will use an access road used to service the Wind farm and seek the best observation position they may find suitable overlooking the Earl Snell Park as it may being used as a harbor for their use, if the park is not being used as a Harbor then they will seek a position of their choice that gives them the best view of any active areas of the town. April’s Scouts will proceed two hours later up the wind farm road and avoid any contact with local forces or individuals and if forced into an encounter engage the locals with minimum force and take custody of any individuals so encountered till the cease of the operation. I understand we don’t have a large force of Scouts so April may levee any Troopers up to three who have the skills and disposition necessary to the mission parameters. Maisy will Contain the reserve force at Jones Canyon and avoid any direct contact as possible and if forced use minimum force in their capture a Detention. If no signal is received by noon Maisy may consider herself in command and proceed under her own initiative [/quote]