BLADE surveys the group. Inferior humanoid specimens. Their supplies are worth more than them. BLADE briefly considers slaughtering them for their supplies before discarding the idea. The short-term gain would be outweighed by the long-term cost. Its voice unit releases a brief burst of white noise before its voice is heard. "This unit is designated Battle L-Class Assault Droid Elite. (White noise) This unit...I...I am programmed for physically terminating life-forms, self-repair, and self-improvement. Built by-...(switching to recorded advertiser's voice)-by The Wercol Advanced Warfare Corporation, Creating combat solutions!-...(back to BLADE's voice unit) My (switch to crackling sound) owners (back to BLADE's voice unit) have been (slurred) terminated (normal). I was not programmed for this................situation. Additional data required. Upgrades required. Credits required. Life-termination offered in exchange for credits and/or upgrades. (Suddenly louder and more 'upbeat') I AM COMBAT READY!" There's a sparking sound and then BLADE seems to see the gathered people again. "The ship is a Corellian Light Freighter, modified for use as a laboratory. Most valuable contents labeled 'Fragile.' Unlikely to be recovered. Datafiles destroyed. Contents most likely to be recovered intact: Engines, weapons, food supplies. Lifeforms known to be on board: 3, 2 male Humans, 1 male Bith. Life Status: Terminated. Condition of bodies: dental records required to identify the Humans, data inconclusive for Bith."