[b]Monavdu, Alysfyn[/b] "Your enthusiasm is appreciated, as is your energy." Malius complimented flafty, "Though in truth you are not the one to perform the official arrest. I have issued that task to Skullding, who you'll be travelling with to guard him and to secure our would-be black mages." he added in a crumbling voice. Reaching down to the table he picked up the warrant and raised it to the Vedan prince. "You and Skullding are seeking out and bringing in Refnir Bjorni and Mathis Bjorni, Od's second and third son's respectively. I have a suspicion that Od could attempt to resist the warrant, which is why I need you and a handful of men to go along. Intimidate him at least, or fight your way to Refnir and Mathis. But give Skullding the room needed to lock the boys up and investigate the hold for evidence on their conviction. "Once he has what he needs, bring the boys here in one piece and we'll put them on trial and the tribunals will handle the rest."