I’m so sorry, I’ll proofread this better tomorrow. I was nodding off so intensely that I almost straight up slept hunched over my computer. I might brainstorm for new ethereal powers, but I sincerely was having major difficulty creating it. I might flesh out the interaction with the Inquisitor in her history a bit more, but I’d like to release particulars throughout. ------ Name: Mother Viveca Age: Approximately 21 Height/Weight: 5’9”, 150lbs Race: Omestrian Appearance: Viveca is a traditionally attractive woman who couldn’t hide her Omestrian roots, even if she wanted to. She has long, sandy blond hair reminiscent of the people who posed for the great statues of her annihilated culture. Her forest green eyes are accentuated by thick lashes and a natural brow. Always in her hair, Viveca wears a royal blue ribbon, gifted to her from the Inquisitor who brought her freedom. Her sigil is tattooed on her back (see personal seal), with the trunk of the tree running along her spine and branching out over her shoulder blades. She covers her torso and shoulders with medium-weight plates while flexible leathers protect the rest of her body. Her left forearm is covered by a uniquely reinforced vambrace which provides the defense and support of a shield with less surface area. It requires more accurate blocking, but more mobility. Her breastplate is adorned with the well-known red phoenix. On the back, she has the same phoenix with three scratch marks through it. Never does anybody see the back of her plate, as it’s always hidden beneath her crimson-gilded coat. [HIDER=Mother Viveca][IMG]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a7/df/57/a7df57f9891736554b58c5f3f8e445aa--fantasy-images-fantasy-women.jpg[/IMG][/HIDER] Personality: One of Varya’s least respected war-clergy is renown amongst her peers for her adaptability and love of variation. Viveca sees diversity and change as a way to build herself to be a stronger Inquisitor and protector of the people, even if a lot of those people refuse to seek a guardian from Omestris. Strangely enough, the Omestrian Mother doesn’t seem to be bothered much by the opinions of the commonfolk, let alone her fellow Inquisitors. By doing what she can for the people, Viveca can’t help but feel drawn to things lost to time; namely, those of her own people, her parents and their ancestors. Her memory became hazy with time, but Viveca’s earliest and fondest recollections involve being surrounded by dilapidated statues and half-buried buildings of some of the most gorgeous architecture and art that she’s seen even to this day. Curious at heart, the Inquisitor has a tendency to be perceived as nosy, especially because she’s not the most polite, soft-spoken sweetheart. In fact, Viveca can often be seen as callous or unforgiving. Background: For the first several years of her life, Viveca lived with a pair of nomadic parents, moving from tucked away commune to tucked away commune around the remnants of Omestric. She never knew why they had to trek through the cold for it until they were all three found in the wrong place at the wrong time. These small pockets of Omestrian culture were gradually being enslaved or eradicated under the accusation of being heretics. They wanted nothing more than to live peacefully and free. The deserted cityscapes made hiding surprisingly easy, but after being found, there was no escape. Few in the colony where Viveca’s family was staying knew how to fight and even fewer had the weapons to do so. They were overrun and their consequential imprisonment is the reason Viveca struggles to keep track of her age. Her parents were the first two to go as the Varyan state accused them of conspiring and plotting to escape. Then, one by one the elderly were taken from their holding compound, followed by the adults and teenagers… Then they came for the children, and Viveca got her first true taste of the horrors of mankind. None of the other children were led the same way she was; the small girl was taken to a massive facility full of grown-ups and machines. By the end of that day, she found out where she was, though knew not why. She still can’t get the faces out of her mind… The sunken eyes, gasping for breath, unable to move… The men and women hooked to these disgusting machines were being harvested, and for weeks Viveca shared their fate. To this day, Viveca has no idea how long she was there, but she can never forget the face of the man who saved her. A stout Inquisitor with a gruff voice and covered in scars came to her and explained in simple terms why he was there. He’d heard of an Omestrian girl they’d found who had more ether to tap into than even a typical Omestrian. He came to see if she was truly gifted, even if it pained him so much to walk those halls. He was only given the right to take her away if she was enrolled at Varya’s most horrifying schools as soon as she was of age. Through the years, this kind Father of the church found that she was indeed different – she held a particularly strong affinity for Omestrian ether manipulation, though he encouraged her to suppress it. The Inquisitor gifted her a blue ribbon which she has worn since that day, but it was only a few years before the day came when she had to start her training. Though her time with the man was short, she still owes him her life. She never received the opportunity to ask him why he took her in; perhaps, it was compassion, or pride for his own race. Whatever motivated him to be so kind, Viveca was grateful for him. To this day, Viveca has not been allowed to make a pilgrimage to Omestris or find any familiar faces, nor has she seen her parents since her rescue. Unfortunately, it’s quite likely that they’re dead or fled as far away as possible if they were ever released or let out. Talents/Ethereal Abilities: 1. [I][B]Deflection:[/I][/B] Viveca has the power to channel her ether as a method to manipulate the kinetic energy of incoming objects. Specifically, she could use it for projectiles or an incoming blade. Coupled with her vambrace, the power can be quite handy, as the body beneath her armour is more frail than most other Inquisitors due to a rather emaciated youth. 2. [I][B]Brilliance:[/I][/B] Considered a minor power, and hardly one that comes in handy outside of lighting a particularly dark room, Viveca can generate light, seeming to glow when she uses the ability. Shadows are swallowed whole and, while it’s not an Aegis-related ability, it creates a modicum of warmth to those in the immediate area. Personal Seal: [HIDER=Seal][IMG] http://paintthetownbodyart.com/wp-content/uploads/Norse-Tree-Of-Life-Tattoo-Design-1.jpg[/IMG][/HIDER] Character Relationships: (We’ll work on this in the next couple of days.)