Name:Lee Shin Alias: Monk Age: ? Position: Bounty: 2,000,000 Beri Appearance: [hider=Without the glowing'third eye'] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: He is stoic, often completely quiet. He will speak when spoken to, or necessary. He looks calm on the surface but beneath it all lies a storm of passion and fiery desire to be great and to atone for his past. Background: Lee is from a small village on the Grand Line, near the Calm Belt. The island itself is of unrivaled beauty. The people of the island lived in peace with their environment, never taking more than what they needed. They have learned to coexist with it flora and fauna, taming what they can and leaving alone what they cannot. All in all, they are a people of peace, love and harmony. Lee, being a rambunctious child, often got into trouble. His parents would laugh it off first, before offering stern advice with which Lee still acts upon until this day. On the island, few are chosen among its inhabitants to be trained as warrior-defenders of the island. Lee, being one of those chosen ones, was sent to the Great Monastery at Hirana to learn from the monks that came before him. He was indoctrinated into the teaching of the temple, to no ease at that. He had to become a new person. Forgotten was his rambunctious past, and reborn was a man of pure stoicism, and harmonious with nature to his core. One day, the three Elders at the temple summoned Lee, their prized pupil, to the central chamber. Within that chamber held all of the teaching and secret of the island and its history, along with a Poneglyph containing indiscernible text of some ancient information. The three Elders were kneeling on a cushion at the back end of the chamber, facing the entrance with which Lee entered the chamber from. Between Lee and the Elders was another cushion. On it was an odd looking fruit, black in color with red markings. The Elders spoke to Lee [color=f7941d]"Master Lee, you came to us a untamed youth. Today, you are chosen to be the eternal protector of Ionia. With the power of the Ram God Ornn, you are to defend us from all harm, and uphold our harmonious ways against the tides of time. Should you accept, you will become the master of this temple, and the leader of our power. Be warned. The Ram God is unruly. His powers have corrupted your predecessors to cause great calamity. You must be certain, both in spirit and body, that you can control it. For if you cannot, it shall spell the doom of our people and everything with it." [/color] Lee stepped forward, kneeling in front of the cushion holding up the fruit. Before Lee even reached for the fruit, he can swear that he heard a primal roar and waves of heat radiating from it. Taking a deep breath, he reached out and took the fruit. [color=662d91]"I accept."[/color] He said, biting into the fruit and consumed it whole. A pleasant, almost peachy, taste filled his mouth. That was the last thing he remembered before passing out... Lee blinked a few times, reawakening from his bed in the monastery. A young monk stepped into this room [color=00a651]"Master Lee, you're finally awake."[/color] [color=662d91]"How...How long was I asleep?"[/color] [color=00a651]"Its been three days since the Elders had you removed from the chamber."[/color] [color=662d91]"Th-three...."[/color] Springing up from his bed, he bowed to the young monk and exited his room and went to the chamber. Being the master of the temple, he was granted free access to whichever room he needed. Entering the chamber, he found the Three Elders in meditation. Moving swiftly as the Northern wind, and soundless as the shadow of midnight, he entered the library. He was looking for information on his new powers, and how to control them... He did not leave the central library for four days and four nights. Within the central library was an empty room. He used the room as a practice room and he tapped into his powers for the first time. As he grew more comfortable with his new powers, he started being more careless with them. As he exited the library in what would later be dubbed as his 'God Mode', he looked at the Elders with slight disdain. They were mere mortals to him, a god, now. They should bow at his feet. Instead, they approached him and simultaneously punched him in the chest. He has never felt so much pain before. It was like being hit by a ton of bricks all at once. Lee could have sworn the Elder's fists were pure black, almost purple in color as they struck him. The force of the strike knocked him out of 'God Mode' and Lee stumbled and fell onto the platform where the Elders were meditating. [color=f7941d]"Master Lee, the Ram God is beginning to lead you astray. You must fight it and control it... We were able to bring you back this time, but it will not work again as the Ram God is clever..."[/color] Lee took a deep breath, bowing to the Elders in apology and gathered himself into the meditative position. Sitting down, he closed his eyes, and looked within to find control... The next time he opened his eyes, many suns have passed. He returned to the scene of a bloodbath. The Elders laid lifeless and charred near him. In horror, he dashed out of the chamber to much of the same. Death surrounded him. He walked around like a soulless man, seeking answers. There was one monk clinging to life. Upon seeing Lee, he shrieked. [color=ed1c24]"You devil! Stay away, I beg of you!"[/color] Lee stopped, and simply stared at the dying man. [color=ed1c24]"You've doomed us all. You will bring nothing but fire and dea-"[/color] The man's last breath was spent on cursing Lee... Absolutely disgusted with himself. He sat down once more among the ruin and death that surrounded him. He put himself in a deep meditation, trying to make sense of what happened and how to atone for his sins. The tree above him blossomed, the flower petal were so red that they almost seem bloodstained... Abilities: -Peak physical condition, having the endurance of a typical marathon runner, strength comparable to a world class athlete, that is, he has efficient strength which is not overwhelming. -Master Hand-To-Hand Combatant. Having been trained by the master of his island, his style of combat most closely resemble that of the Rokushiki. Powerful kicks, swift movements and powerful strikes all performs with accuracy. Throughout his travels, he has picked up and became proficient at numerous styles from across the land. With the blending and utilizing of these styles, Lee calls the techniques that he uses 'Sanshoku'. It combines strikes, kicks, throws, sweeps and takedowns. While he does not name his techniques specifically, he typical fights from a reactive position, preferring to react to his opponent's actions with one of his own. -Limited regenerative powers granted by his devil fruit -Extremely limited. Nothing more than basic cuts can be regenerated from Weapons: None Techniques: -'Golden Fleece Mode' -Lee Shin's default form when he activates his devil fruit. In this mode, his physical capabilities are heightened. His can 'walk' on air by virtue of the power of his kicks akin to the to Geppo of the Rokushiki and his punches are fast enough to deflect normal bullets. -'Ram Mode' -Lee enters this mode when he takes on the bestial form of his devil fruit. In this form, he has the highest speed he can achieve, along with agility. However, his hand-to-hand combat style is essentially unusable in this state. -'Ares Mode' -Lee enters this mode when he fully activates his devil fruit by awakening it. Currently, he does not know how to enter this mode on his own. In this mode, his physical form changes and his attack are so powerful that their friction with air sparks fires. [hider=The Ram God] [img][/img] [/hider]