[@Deadlyrose9641][@Kaesus] Melody's face lit up with excitement as a boy approached her, and as he opened his mouth to speak, she said, "[color=ec008c]Oh my god hi! I'm Melody![/color]" Before closing the gap between the two of them, as the boy continued to ask her for directions. "[color=ec008c]Ahhhhh you must be new here![/color]" She said, the tempo of her voice quickening almost every syllable, a grin starting to spread from ear to ear "[color=ec008c]You must be so excited, a whole new school a new year, a new life, new adventures, new [i]friends[/i].[/color]" She said, quickly getting lost in her words, externalizing her own feelings about the year onto the poor unfortunate soul who had sought help from her. "[color=ec008c]This is my second year back, and I can hardly contain myself, so who knows how you must be feeling?[/color]" She then placed her hands on his shoulders, about to twirl around him, when suddenly a second voice interjected and caused Melody's head to spin, looking for the source. Soon, she found it, as a girl materialized across from her, and by the gods, she almost threw herself across the way, bumping into several passer-bys as she landed in front of the girl, almost tripping over herself, "[color=ec008c]You're so right! The shadows are so pretty, and dark and [i]og my god you can turn [b]invisible can't you??[/b][/i][/color]" She said, her voice breathy, as she almost hummed with excitement and intrigue, "[color=ec008c]That's so amazing! What kind of magic even is that?[/color]" She said, circling her new friend because of course, they were friends now. She then paused, realizing she had forgotten about the boy who had first greeted her, and waved him over, "[color=ec008c]Come on over here, we can all head to the mess hall together! I want to know everything about both of you.[/color]" She said, her voice dripping with a kind of joy some may think impossible.