““Hey Rouka. How effective do you think a bloodbath works? One with blood of a virgin like me perhaps." ".........! UGhh, ugh, *cough*. Now look what have you done. F*ck.” It came without warning; Rouka almost spilled his cup of iced tea. To think that it is the question Ria been holding back all this time makes it even more ridiculous. No matter how long it has passed, Rouka still could not read what is going on this mischievous girl’s mind. After taking some solid second off, Rouka wiped his mouth and put down his tea. “Aaaaaaaaaaa, what is it again? Bloodbath? What are you talking about?” he asked irritably. Although he can't guess what is inside the girl's mind, he know one thing for sure, 'it definitely can't be good'.