At zero hour plus forty minutes Osamu gave the order to advance, all according to the plan. The messenger had arrived and confirmed that all was still ready and his men were to move up according to the original schedule. He could have reached the battle in a mere moment but in order to maintain unto cohesion his whole force was moving at the speed of the slowest man. Still faster than your average man, but nothing close to the 2nd division. As such, he allowed a comfortable twenty minutes to reach his goal. As his men tore through the streets they provoked some comment, the noise of battle had already drifted over the wall and civilians were starting to mill around, confused and concerned. The sight of shinigami heading to the fray caused some to fear and some to cheer. The mood of the citizenry though, good or bad, had no real effect on Osamu or his men. They would keep advancing in good order and with a certain eager anticipation for the fray. However, when Osamu and his men bounded over the wall and swept forward it soon became clear that all had not quite gone according to plan. His advance to the factory was smooth and easy, the 2nd clearly having done a fine job. But when he got to the factory things were in a worse state than he had anticipated. The buildings were all as he had expected, but not the signs of battle. There seemed to be slightly over a dozen 2nd division losses which were well within acceptable limits, but the scorch marks, tears, craters and holes as well as the simply huge amount of blood, all suggested far more stubborn resistance than had originally been anticipated. Hostile forces were supposed to be light, intelligence had suggested the counter attack would be the notable opposition. Clearly someone in intelligence had blundered. Still, the second had coped admirably and Osamu made a mental note to tank Yue later. In the meantime he needed to do his part. Putting his hands behind his back the man stood there, surrounded by his eight personal guards, his command staff and few runners and signals men. “You know your places! Get to them men.” He declared loudly but calmly. This part of the battle had all be planned out well in advance. Seamlessly two triganta went to each of the outward facing walls, with a further triganta manning the breach in the western wall which was led by Osamu’s trusted and capable third set. A further two triganta entered the factory itself, to double check that all was secure. This left seven triganta in reserve to react as necessary to any threats. Truth be told a deployment this size was probably a little over kill for the task, but Osamu did not want to take an unnecessary risks on this assault. For a few moments all was quiet but then some odd noises came from the seemingly deserted factory, noises that were swiftly followed by the distinctive rippling hiss of a cero discharging and the boom as it burst through the roof and tore into the sky. How had Osamu missed this? How had Yue missed this? How had intelligence missed this? Those were questions for another time. For now, he had to deal with it. Moving into the factory personally he signalled the rest of his reinforcements to remain where they were, as unexpected as this was he would not have his men run around like a wet hen. Inside the factory things were not as they were meant to be. The place was packed. There were no gillians, darn things would not have fitted amongst the machines. However, regular hollows and adjuncha were there in abundance. Seeing opponents of such metal so close to the valuable machines Osamu reacted by instinct and charged, sword at the ready. He would have envied Yue for her Kido tallents, if he had seen them. He would then have proceeded to pester her for assistance in that regard, including her to divulge secrets she probably never would. But Osamu was far from weak and vulnerable. He was fast and utterly deadly with a blade in his hands. Getting toe to toe the man proceeded to almost glide and drift through his foes with a hypnotic grace and alarming speed. The man could be like water when he wanted to be. Of course this was not his only fighting style, he could do battle in almost any fashion he desired. It just so happened that this was the best way of swiftly dispatching numerous foes in a confined space whilst causing little to no collateral damage. All the while the man had a vicious looking smirk on his face, the smirk of a man who knows he is better, who knows he is going to win and who knows you aren’t getting away. Adjunchas presented a bit of interest to the man but not as much as they used to. They were useful in keeping his skilsl in check but they didn’t present the challenge they once did. To an outsider it would look as though Osamu came dangerously close to death time after time as fists and blade sailed past him by mere centimetres. But to a man like the Captain of the 10th a few centimetres may as well have been a mile, it was the same difference. Despite his swift progress the sheer number of foes, combined with the size of the factory, meant it would take Osamu a few minutes to clear the place. Meanwhile, events outside continued. For a short time all was quiet but that didn’t last long. The blast from the factory roof wasn’t a missed shot. It was a signal. Whilst those in the factory attacked from within fresh waves of hollows attacked from without. Osamu’s lieutenant, the magnificent golden bear, was in charge whilst Osamu was clearing out the factory. The man found himself wishing for the very cannon the factory would soon produce. The 10th was no kido corps and their ranged attacks as the foe closed lacked a certain force and panache. They were not entirely ineffective but they were not as effective as they would have liked. As a result many hollows reached the wall, and what was worse was that though the first wave was made of cannon fodder those that came after were not. Yet again, the enemy came on in strength. Whilst adjuncha closed the Gillian were acting with an unusual degree of sense, suggesting an intelligent commander. They were standing back and just hammering the walls with cero after cero. It was a ferocious bombardment and whilst the walls seemed to be standing it forced the defenders to keep their heads down. The shots only let up mere moments before the adjuncha and other hollows reached the wall, in order to avoid friendly fire. Thankfully, the men of the tenth had remained calm under fire, all be it supressed. So when the shots ended they sprung up like a jack in the box and took full advantage of their advantageous position. As the foe leapt up or scaled the wall many were vulnerable and open to attacks of opportunity from the defenders in their strong position. So, the ramparts held, all be it under great strain. The breach however, was at greater risk. It was the most vulnerable point and as the hollows tore towards it the infamous third seat of the 10th stepped forward. Rumours and scandal swirled around this man and no one could really know what was true and what was a lie. Certainly though, the man basked in his illustrious reputation. Stepping forward he smiled and gave a happy and eager little sigh whilst rubbing his hands together. “All right you sorry bastards. Forget about those high born pricks and that withered old hag we call a commander.” But before he could continue a voice called out. “And the nobles she spreads her legs for!” Which provoked mocking and derisive laughter from the thirty men assembled. Even the third seat smiled and gave a little laugh before he continued. “You don’t even need to remember the plan. All you need to remember is that there is a bunch of bastards who need killing. If you don’t do it they will burn this city, loot everything you value and kill, even rape your families. So just stick your swords in them.” His downplayed pep talk was well judged as it played to the spirits and mentality of this little cadre who burst into a cheer. As the man took position he added with a vicious little smile. “If any of you die without blood on your swords I’ll bed your wives and feed your children to the dogs.” Again, this prompted an odd cheer that likely would not have come from any other division. Osamu’s 3rd seat was an acquired taste and it had taken a long time for he and the division to build a rapport. But years of shared experiences had done the job. As soon as the hollows hit the men in the breach showed their metal. They fought well and they fought hard, every man looking out for the ones by his side. Meanwhile, those on the wall were taking pot shots and the logjam of hollows that was starting to pile up down below. The third seat was particularly effective. Seemingly disappearing in the blink of an eye only to reappear behind some unfortunate adjuncha and plunge a blade deep into its neck or spine, before reappearing with equal speed in the front of the line. Never the less, things were hard for the men. Still however, Osamu’s reinforcements remained uncommitted, Osamu had always cautioned his deputies about over committal too early in a battle. The line was holding, all be it under strain, when the Captain emerged from the factory with a smile on his face but a look of grim determination on his brow and with a healthy spattering of blood on his clothes. Pausing only to briefly nod at his number two Osamu used shunpo to reach the top of the factory and survey the battle. It was clear the bargaining Gillian needed to be dealt with. What was worse however, was the reports starting to come in from elsewhere in the soul society. Reports were sketchy but other areas were coming under attack. Confident of his own victory Osamu did something radical. Vaultign down to his number two he orderd. “Lieutenant. Take two triganta and outflank those bombarding us, cut them from the side and rear. If further enemy reinforcements attack you fade and strike further down the line.” This, the golden bear set about doing whilst Osamu, not even pausing called out casually. “Number four!” His fourth seat, a fresh faced young man who’s youthful exuberance disguised his experience, came up obediently. “Take four triganta and fall back deeper in the soul society. Volunteer yourselves as reinforcements, lend aid to other areas.” This would leave Osamu with three triganta of reinforcements left, the two in the factory and one that had not yet performed any action in the battle. He was stretching himself a little thin but he was confident he could pull it off, especially if the hollows were over extending by engaging in numerous and simultaneous offensives. He proceeded to aid the rest of the battles at the cost of his own by calling out for one of his many runners. “Take a message to the Captain of the 11th, he is to release two thirds of his men to serve as reinforcements and aid to other fronts. Only one third will remain in secondary reserve for this location.” Osamu was starting to take control of the whole battle, as was his way. Of course, if the Captain Commander over ruled him then he would comply absolutely but he didn’t have faith in the Commander’s ability to react quickly or appropriately to the situation so he was stepping in. It was true that Osamu lacked all the facts, hence why he was only releasing his own back up to other Captains who might no more and who were directly dealing with the other fronts but he didn’t believe Kuroda would make that call quickly enough. If more information came his way he may give more orders but for now all he could do was give soldiers to other fronts. Doubtless the second would also be called upon to play some further part in what had become a bigger fray.