[Center][b][color=ec008c]Shelby Jackson – Mary’s House with guest apearance frim Waylon [/color][/b][/center] "Are you sure?", Mary asked sternly, "I'm concerned that you don't realize what the price of such knowledge is." After a pause, Mary continued. "For one thing, you can forget normal relationships. Everyone and everything you care about will turn to dust while you live on. Fame, renown, wealth...learning what I know will bring you none of those things. You will learn and see the most amazing things....but one terrible day you will realize that the world of men has passed you by, and that you are truly alone....and you won't care anymore. And if that wasn't enough....you'll know about those Outside...who, if they could, would gobble up this whole world and every soul in it like you would a Fancy Lad Snack cake." Shelby exhaled and kind of slumped down against the bathroom door, “I've had people try to kill me for what I have done before, for who I was and being associated with Calypso. I would live forever like you?” Mary settled back in the tub and continued, "Ignorance is bliss, Shelby", Mary said, "Those Outside cannot enter our world unless someone lets them in. People have tried to let them in, but so far they have failed....because there are those who will gladly kill someone like me to make sure that door is never unlocked. Witchfinders, Hunters, whatever you call them...you'll always be looking over your shoulder for them, iff'n you aim to live, that is." Before Shelby could answer, more gunfire came from outside. Both women looked at each other, "Think on it and come back to me after dark and we'll discuss it some more", Mary said as she put on the bathrobe and tied the belt, then walked out into the hallway and into one of the front bedrooms. “Alright, I will.” Shelby backed out of Mary's way. She went downstairs and opened the front door to see what all the commotion was about and froze, “You've gotta be kidding me?” She reached for her pistol but it wasn't there, “Dammit,” she cursed under her breath and looked to see a fire poker sitting by the fireplace. She grabbed it and got a feel for how it was balanced, “This'll have to do.” As Shelby stepped outside Mary rushed by her in a robe with a double barrel shotgun that looked huge in her hands. Mary raised the shotgun and fired, first one barrel and then the other, then as smartly as she could broke open the shotgun, ejecting the spent shells and loading two more, hoping if that didn't do the trick, others were on the way to help out. “Holy shit, you don't fuck around,” Shelby winked at Mary and spun the poker around once,, grasping it with both hands and charged as the deathclaw flailed. Then she froze in her tracks, “A fucking mutie.” Shots rang from everywhere, Steve had his hands full, so Shelby ran to Brandy and pulled her arm. Brandy was still staring at the beast pulling the trigger in an empty pistol and would not budge, “You're fuckin’ funeral Twit.” Shelby left, uncertain if the deathclaw was actually dead or not and headed back to S&W in a dead sprint to get away from the m super mutant, which she was more scared of than a deathclaw. Up ahead she saw the tall blonde woman she had only seen briefly the day before, the woman was covered in deathclaw blood, with the smaller beast on top of her. Shelby bit her lip, “FUCK!!!” Taking the poker and using it to pry off some of the beasts weight she yelled, “We don't have all day Honey, c’mon.” The woman scrambled to her feet as Shelby winced trying to hold the beast up, as soon as the blonde was clear she yanked the poker back, “Fun shit huh? Take care of these then those muties.” Shelby resumed her course back home and saw what appeared to be a baby deathclaw hauling ass towards the center of town. In a split second Waylon rushed out from the store colliding with the mini monster and both fell to the ground. The deathclaw howled and Waylon struggled to hold it back, he managed to get the barrel of his SKS to it's chest and unloaded the magazine. The creature reared back, Shelby sprinted as fast as she could, the deathclaw swiped at the side of Waylon's head scratching it. Shelby flipped the poker and tightened her grip, “MMMPH,” she grunted as she thrust the poker through the soft skin under the deathclaws jaw up through its head. She yanked back and the creature fell, screeching and failing. Waylon jumped up and slapped in a fresh magazine and began shooting it's chest as Shelby relentlessly beat it's head until a section caved in rendering the minster motionless. Shelby looked at Waylin and smiled, wiped spatters of blood from her face, “Fun times, I miss this shit.” “Me too,” Waylon replied, “Grab something and let's go, there's more of them.” Shelby stepped inside the shop, grabbing the AK47 she had the day before and slinging it over her shoulder before snatching her staff and joining Waylon back outside. “Let's go have more fun,” she gave a devilish grin.