[@tobiax]Yo, so i've been following this for a bit, going back and forth whether to join or not, but i've finally decided to give it a shot. Sorry if this sheet is a bit messy and short, had to make it on my phone. I'll be sure to rework it later, but i figured that letting you weigh in on the more technical things would be useful to do. [Hider=W.I.P][Center] [B]Name:[/B] Silme Raana(Elvish for Silver Wolf) [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Phenotype:[/B] Faunus, Grey Wolf [B]Appearance:[/B][img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/12/d8/88/12d8887123f3bf0d970b837200028d07--hot-anime-anime-guys.jpg[/img] [B]Nationality[/B] Atlesian [B]Weapon:[/B] Silme's weapon is a pair of hi-tech gauntlets that have a defensive mode and an offensive mode. The defense mode is the base, appearing as bulky, somewhat over-sized gauntlets that cover the entirety of his forearms, allowing him to use them as a sort of pseudo-shield due to their durability and sturdy design. While in this mode, Silme's fighting style tends to be conservative and cautious, focusing more on staying near his team to provide support and protection with some heavy, yet surprisingly quick blows from his weight armaments. In offensive mode, Silme's weapon shifts to reveal it's true nature, the bulkiness of the gauntlets evens out as it spreads to cover the entirety of Silme's arms, revealing a glowing silver core at the base of each hand. This is an experimental Piece of atlas tech which can form solid constructs out of energy. In this case, it can only transform into a pair of large blade-like claws that spread from Silme's hands. In this mode, Silme also shows of his own hidden truths, allowing himself to give into an animalistic rage as he charges into battle with a near reckless abandon, eviscerating everything that dare stands in his way in a rather savage and brutal fashion. Not only that, but the secondary form also has slots for dust canisters to be slotted into, allowing Silme to mix the arcane substance into his attacks for devastating attacks. His most commonly used form of dust is either Ice or Fire, but he tends to carry canisters of every base type in him, and 8s trying out different combinations of dust to get differing effects. [B]Semblance:[/B] [i]Bite the Hand[/i]: Silme's semblance is one that, if relied upon, can easily lead to death and/or serious injury for him as it hinges on his aura being damaged in order to work. You see, whenever Silme takes a hit to his aura, said Aura immediately lashes out to deal a portion of that damage back to the attacker or a nearby target, often taking the form of a silvery wolf launching outward to take a bite out of the target. This wolf doesn't have much distance to it though, making it useless against ranged fighters. However, that's where the secondary part of the semblance can come into play. You see, as Silme's aura lowers, it causes a primal rage to build with his body, baying for release at the edges of his mind. If his Aura gets dangerously low, Silme can choose to activate this inner rage, causing him to internalize his remaining aura before going into a maddened frenzy against his foes. His strength, speed, and pain tolerance skyrocket in this state, making him a force to be reckoned with, but he's also at his most vulnerable in this state, as he has no aura layer to protect or heal him while this ability is active. Now, Silme isn't totally out of his wits in this state, able to at least understand others in some capacity as well as focus on a more evasive style of fighting. While usually a method of last resort, recently [B]Aura Color:[/B] Silver [b]Team:[/b] Team Mask(Former and Disbanded) [B]Emblem:[/B] [url= https://thetomatos.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/animal-claw-marks-clipart.png]Three jagged silver claw marks torn across a black field[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Silme is a rather difficult individual to categorize effectively. This is due in no small part to the contrasts of his normal behaviors with how he acts when he thinks no one is watching. Normally, Silme is one of the crudest and most vulgar people one will likely ever meet, some sort of insult, jibe, or joke never far from the tip of his tongue, with plenty of . . . 'descriptive' and 'colorful' language to follow it. He's a young man with a chip on his shoulder and a problem with the world, and he's not afraid to let people now it. As combative and low-brow as he seems, one would be ill-advised to consider the boy dull-witted or simple. Behind all of his toxic bluster lies a very keen and observant mind, as well as the ability to actually bite his tongue when the situation calls for it, though not without some clear effort. Growing up under the thumb of Atlesian prejudice has left him with a deep distrust for authority figures of any kind, but it has also taught him the clear consequences of outright defiance of such authorities. [B]Backround:[/B] To be a Hunter has been all that Silme has ever wanted in his life, and his dream as a kid was to attend Atlas Academy, though even at a young age he knew the impossibility of someone like him, not only the poor son of a paoir of lowly dust miners but a faunus as well, to be accepted into such an establishment. Still, he never let his belief in the dream die, no matter what those around him said if only to give himself a goal to constantly strive his best to achieve. 'One day,' he often thought, 'I'm going to become an awesome hunter, get rich, and make it so that mom and dad don't have to work in those mines anymore'. This determination to improve the lives of his parents however he could drove him further and further in both his studies and in the combat training offered by the school to those considering the Huntsman profession. It was not an easy program, despite the school being relatively low profile, a testament to the standards that Atlas had set for the title of Huntsman. This tendency to drop out was especially true for the Faunus kids who attempted, who often found themselves under both heavy scrutiny and no small amounts of bullying by any human children in the class that needed a target to vent on. Silme was no stranger to these treatments, but his resolve would not be so easily shaken. He worked extremely hard to not only make head way, but to surpass almost everyone in his class. He showed a keen mind in his studies and a rather skilled combatant in his spars. Eventually, he earned his way into the school of his dreams, feeling as if he was about to be rewarded for all of his years of hardwork and determination. However, while the environment of the school was much more welcoming and accepting of him then his home town, the member of his team were not nearly as kind. All of them were the children of some wealthy Atlesian family, and as such saw him as little more than a glorified servant and often treated him as such. They would constantly put him down, mock him for his 'low birth', as they put it, and overall had a great time making his life miserable. He tried to get some help from his teachers, but most were of little help, offering only the slightest of reprimands to them, if that. Still, Silme powered through it, working with them as best he could, and eventually, he began to feel some bond with them. The teasing and harassment halted, and at times, it felt as if they were truly a team. If given time, they could have come to be something truly great, but unfortunately, fate sought to test them before they were truly ready. It was supposed to be just a quick investigation mission. One of the mining towns, which turned out to be Silme's hometown, had ceased communications with Atlas, so 2 teams of 3rd year huntsman were tasked with scoping the scene. Upon their arrival, their seemed to be nothing wrong with the village. . . except for the fact that their was no one around. Every building and every home was devoid of life. It was only when they began to approach the mines that things began to unravel. The ground was torn and clawed, as if by the claws of some huge creature, as well as faint traces of blood splattered about the scene. After some deliberation, one team was sent back home to report their findings, while another, while Silme's team decided to further investigate the area, specifically the mines, As they descended deeper and deeper into the dank, cramped caverns, the signs of a Grimm infestation became more and more common. From the smell, to the markings on the wall, it all was more than proof enough of Grimm in the area, but it wasn't enough for their leader, Maroon. No matter how many times Silme or the others brought up the idea of turning back, he simply reminded them that they still had to find out to find out what happened to the missing villagers. And despite the gnawing feeling in his gut, Silme couldn't think to offer much objection once he said that, knowing that his parents had to be down here, somewhere. They had to be. Unfortunately, this determination would lead only to disaster, as the lights in the mine tunnels suddenly went out, leaving all but Silme blind in the darkness, tho the faunus was hardly better with how little light was present. But as he tried his best to calm down a panicking Argentia, he heard something. Deep down the tunnel ahead of them, he could hear the faint clicking of claws against stone, of bone plates rubbing against each other, and as he slowly turned to face in the direction, he could see group of pale red eyes starring him down from the depths of the mine.His teammates needed no more prodding in order to get them running towards the surface. In their flight to the surface the team fought tooth and nail against a savage barrage of Grimm attacks, rushing down the tight corridors like a surging wave of darkness, eager to devour the fleeing students. By the time they made it back to the entrance, they were all low on aura, and Silme was bringing up the rear with Maroon, both doing their best to keep the Grimm back. It was during this moment, when Silme had stopped to deal with a particularly persistent grimm that he heard a loud explosion sound behind him. For the next week, Silme would have the image of his supposed ally blowing up a vein of red dust burned into his brain. The force of the explosion forced him and the grim back down into the tunnel, the debris actually killing a few of the Grimm as it sailed past. Once he had control of his limbs again, Silme shakily made his way over to a nearby tunnel, the growls of Grimm giving pursuit behind him giving him an excuse to focus on anything beside the biting sense of betrayal that tore at him from the inside. For days that felt like weeks, Silme spent his time hiding within the tunnels from the Grimm that patrolled, his vague familiarity with them from his time as an overly-curious child possibly being the only reason he made it as long as he did without being found. After a week of this living hell, another group of hunterman, far more experienced and far greater in number than his own, came to clear the mines out and found him huddle in a crevice someways down, near dead from starvation, dehydration, and just the stress of the situation. He was immdeiately taken to a nearby town to retrieve medical attention, and once he had regained strength enough to speak, he was asked to explained how he was still alive, as his team had unanimously claimed that he had fallen to the Grimm within the mines. Once the truth was unveiled, the entirety of their team was disbanded, Maroon, Argentia, and Khan expelled from Atlas for their dishonorable act, and Silme was given a while to . . . recover from his experience. Any friends that the boy might have had before the mission would note that a very different person had returned in his skin. The brash, yet somewhat endearing faunus boy had become an overly aggresive jerk, who lashed out at everyone around him, with eyes that spoke only of disdain and distrust for anyone that approached him. As a side note of this story, however, it should be noted that the not even the remians of the villagers were ever found from that mining town, and even though the Grimm had been cleared out, it remains unclear exactly how the Grimm even got there without anyone noticing. [B]Likes[/B]: Meat, Experimenting with Dust, Exercise, other faunus, wide-open spaces [B]Dislikes[/B]: Faunus who hide their animal traits, being belittled, Grimm, the dark, those who try to talk around an issue [B]Strengths[/B]: combat-wise, Silme's can be an offensive powerhouse when he lets loose, his claws able to tear Grim to pieces with little effort and his speed letting him stay just one step ahead. Not only that, but his skill with manipulating dust gives some good CC attacks, allowing him to wreak even more havoc. Even when getting hurt, he can still do some damage thanks to his semblance, and when in beast mode, his damage output only increases, even if he looses out on his dust maipulation due to a lack of concentration. Outside of combat, his faunus senses give him an edge when it comes to tracking and scouting, plus you'll find few who can quite match a wolf Faunus in terms of sheer endurance and stamina. [B]Weaknesses[/B]: Unfortunately, Silme's ability to dish out damage isn't reflected in his defensive capabilities, which are sub-par at best and suicidal at worst. Mix that in with how he has a tendency to rush right into danger, regardless of the risk to his well being, and how unwilling he has become in working with others, and it's easy to see how Silme can end up as quite the glass cannon. Not only that, but if he does fight defensively, it takes away almost all of his attack strength, making him unable to effectively hold off his enemies, at least, not by himself. Another thing of note is that the energy used to form the claws of his gauntlet are partially drawn from Silme's own aura, as a stabilizer, and thus make his base aura amount lower than most people, making his preferred fighting style all the more risky. After his experiences in the mines, Silme is absolutely terrified of being in dark and/or cramped spaces, and often refuses or plain freezes up when placed in such situations, his mind reeling back to his time in the mines. This experiences has also left Silme as very, very distrusting of most individuals, but humans especially, and his way of handling situations where trust can be an issue are to be very blunt and very aggressive about it, which makes trying to work with him in any capacity a difficult task in the best of times. [B]Relationships-[/B] [B]Other[/B]: [B]Hex Code:[/B] [b]Theme[/b]: (Optional)[/Center][/hider]