Mikale stared into the spirits eyes, "You look just like him but you'll never have his eyes" he said in disgust. Mikale rushed towards the look-alike, and they started exchanging a barrage of fists. [color=00aeef][i]"Hey old guy, what are we gonna do today?" Mikale asked the old man, "How many times do I have to tell you my name is... never mind, today we're going to start your training"[/i][/color] The spirit through a punch that connected Harshly to Mikales jaw, Mikale stumbled back a bit. "Not bad, but no where near as good as he was" they began trading blows again. [color=00aeef][i]"Mikale you need to focus, a fight isn't just throwing the hardest punch. You have to read your opponent, predict their next move"[/i][/color] Mikale observed the look-alike, he fought in repetition, he throws a right then a left and feints. Mikale waited for the opening "Now!" he thought, Mikale dodged his right then closed the gap between them. He hit the look-alike with an strong hook and the spirit sprawled on the floor, the spirit began to melt into a goop. "How disappointing, the old man wouldve seen such a crappy punch coming a mile away. To think I let you touch me" Mikale sighed. [color=00aeef][i]"I will be back in a bit Mikale, I'm just going to the forest to get some wood, winter is coming" The old man began to head off, "Wait, old guy i'm coming with you" Mikale said confidently. "No, you must stay here and set up for my return" The old man ordered, Mikale kissed his teeth, he went back inside. Every year the old man would go into the woods at this time and come back with a heap of wood, but he never brought an ax with him. Curious, Mikale began to follow the old mans tracks into the woods, He saw him looking up at a large oak tree, Mikale hid behind bushes being sure not to make a sound. The old man took a step back and kicked forward, Mikale felt a gust of wind and the tree began to tilt to the side, slowly it fell to the ground, Mikale softly gasped in awe to the old mans power. The old man grabbed the tree by the branch and called out "I thought I told you to set up the cabin! If you're not home before me, you will be spending the next week outside you disobedient wretch" Mikale began to dart towards the cabin well aware the old man wasn't bluffing, the cabin was now in sight, "I might win thi.." The old man bolted past him lugging the tree on his shoulders, "Not fair!" Mikale cried out.[/i][/color]