[center][@RumikoOhara][/center][hr] [color=cccccc]"Are you using the wifi as an excuse so I can be closer to you or is it just me?"[/color] He couldn't help but lightly smirk, it was that half twist of lip and nerdy look on the face kinda' smirk. Was he flirting with the owner just now? he didn't really quite know. True, he was a nerd and mostly had wet dreams about bookish chicks or videogame characters but this Mandy, there was something cute about her. [center][b]Her weird mug collection?[/b] Nope. [b]Her bossy attitude?[/b] Hmmmmmm, nope. [b]Then what?[/b] She was a black-haired female. Deep down, he hoped behind that face existed smart genes, maybe a little.[/center] He brought the mug in his hands to his lips; taking a bit of a swig and then brought it down again. [color=cccccc]"And there is nothing better than a bitter black coffee after a shitty long night."[/color]