[img]https://i.imgur.com/TSy1qZa.png[/img][hr] Kai had never met any magic user of his age and he was fascinated with what the two girls looked like. And the magic one of them used fascinated him even more, it looked like could hide in the shadows becoming invisible, compared to what Kai could do that was really awesome, but giving it some thought Kai still liked his magic more. [color=yellow]"Yes, this is my first year, I'm so excited for it to start. We are going to have some kind of breakfast now right? My uncle told me about it. He said for the first year students it was an awesome event. I had heard stories of this place, but it looks even better than what I imagined."[/color] Kai start following the girl to wherever she was going while continuing to talk non stop, now talking with the second girl, while doing strange movements with his hands and arms. [color=yellow]"What you did was awesome, really different from my magic. Mine is more "ZUUUM" and "WUUUUSH" and "WOOOOW". And you... Melody, that's your name right? What is your magic like? [/color] The two girl could see the excitement overflowing from Kai, even if looked like he was older than them he didn't act like it, he looked like a child in a candy store. [hr][b]Mentions:[@Natsu][@Deadlyrose9641][/b][hr]