I'm a huge an of Worm, and I gotta admit that the announcement of Worm 2 has me super hyped. It really put me in the mood for RP, I googled Worm RP and this was the most promising result. Any chance I can join late?? I realize it is late, especially given that I have been out of RP for so long, but if you don't mind I have a character ready. I can post him, and you tell me if he fits a late entry into the story. If you aren't comfortable letting me join in at this point, totally understood, no worries. I have already read/caught up on the IC thread and at least skimmed all the characters. Just give me the word and I can post my character, then we can work out a method of a late entry. I'm planning on joining the PRT, and seeing how the adults, except for Knight, haven't really gotten involved yet, It seems doable. Fair warning though, I am going for a tinker and it looks like the Boston Protectorate will be pretty tinker heavy, not that it is necessarily a bad thing as they can probably compliment each other as much as not, but it might be lacking diversity.