[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4FgWVli.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/OkTITw4.png[/img][hr] [@Old Amsterdam] [/center] [color=f7941d]"[/color][color=#6db34f]Frankly, I don't know,[/color][color=#f7941d]"[/color] Remi said, her face nervously close to the bloodstains, [color=f7941d]"[/color][color=#6db34f]wouldn't really know until I see the autopsy. But, I do have some guesses. Blunt trauma doesn't always mean blunt weapon. Chances are, they hit their head on the way down.[/color][color=#f7941d]"[/color] Remi backed away from the bloodstain. It was undoubtedly from a sharp instrument. But that didn't really matter - a sharp instrument could range from a kitchen knife to a quinque to a piece of broken glass. She approached the ladder in the alley. Looking up, there was the fire escape attached to one building - of course, missing the ladder. [color=f7941d]"[/color][color=#6db34f]But there being a broken fire escape could make this case a mess. Say someone was fleeing from someone and they are in an apartment: out they go through the fire escape, they run down the steps, reach the bottom. They try to get the ladder down so they can climb down, but the thing's too old to move. They hit it as hard as it can, and it breaks off. They have to jump and break their legs to get away. Otherwise, they're trapped with the killer.[/color][color=#f7941d]"[/color] At that point, Remi shrugged. [color=f7941d]"[/color][color=#6db34f]Just a dumb guess, though. I'd need the autopsy to see what's likely to have happened,[/color][color=#f7941d]"[/color] she said before pausing. [color=f7941d]"[/color][color=#6db34f]Say, did you see any convenience stores that are near this alley?[/color][color=#f7941d]"[/color]