[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0rJ2wlq.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/sVpRHrI.png[/img] [/center][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] 8th Ward, Tea Lounge [b]Tag:[/b] [@Fathomless][/center][hr] [b]N[/b]aosada pondered the Host's answer. A wondering [color=#CD5C5C][b]"Oh?"[/b][/color] was complimented by his open-mouth smile. [color=#CD5C5C][b]"Perhaps I raised questions. I must look pretty suspicious."[/b][/color] The Ghoul considered lying to the Host but was overcome by some whim to simply leave him wondering. Naosada figured the odds of them bumping into each other again was little-enough. [color=#CD5C5C][b]"I'm not all that certain myself... I've only recently gotten here."[/b][/color] He smiled once again before grabbing his mug of coffee and sipping more down. [color=#CD5C5C][b]"You run this place all alone?"[/b][/color] Naosada figured the lad had. It seemed that way at least from his dedicated care for the lounge, to his almost palpable professionalism. It was to the highest standard. Admirable even.