Gwyn turned around. She whispered angrily. "What the fuck is happening?" she widened her eyes, following the train of his. "Are you... checking me out?" Gwyn rolled her eyes. She did not want to do this right now, but with those... things coming, she didn't have a choice. She couldn't defend herself on her own with that pathetic knife. She turned it around in her hand. Why oh why had she slept with a guy who didn't have a gun? Why did she always get dealt the bad luck? Well... actually, it seemed like everyone had bad luck today. Think, think, think. What was her plan of action here? She didn't know what they were going to do to her but she wasn't going to stick around and find out. She had a decision, try and make a run for it or stay and try to fight with these people. It didn't seem like it was possible to escape with her life if she ran, so she had no choice but to hang around with creepy perv and table guy and whoever else was around. There had to be more, didn't there? It wasn't possible that everyone else could be gone... was it? Shut up, think. Gwyn gripped her knife tightly in her hand and jokingly showed it at the guy behind her. Now isn't the time for jokes, Gwyn, even if he is checking you out. You've got to concentrate on not dying right now. God, was this how it was going to be, talking to herself in her head all the time? She was going crazy already.