[quote=@Kratesis] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/f0578cf9e89cfce724255d5ab10df86f/tenor.gif[/img] You just can't help yourself Dynamo. That's what we're wondering. Aside from "Hahaa, you suck" what exactly is your argument for.. you know.. anything? Everyone here talks about the issues, takes a stand, provides evidence for their claims and crafts an argument. You find one little thing about someone as a person and hammer on it for months. [i]Months[/i]. Think about that. [i]Young person says something that doesn't come off perfectly on the internet. Good golly. That's never happened before! Better get Dynamo Frokane, righter of internet wrongs, defender of women's virtue and slayer of cringe on the case![/i] How Poohead sees his romantic life is no business of yours Dynamo. You don't even care except that it gives you someone to mock and feel superior too. (Also, has it occurred to you that Poohead is young and surrounded by other young people who are filled to the brim with hormones and questionable judgement? A touch of good genetics and some exercise and you have a situation in which a young man may be approached by girls who are interested.) Maybe you're ugly and he's hot. Given the response of the other posters in this thread after you posted I'm going to have to say the evidence isn't looking good Dynamo. Ohhhh [i]now [/i]you want to have a debate without ad hominems. You never asked me Dynamo. You literally never asked. You have absolutely [i]no idea[/i] what I believe on the subject. You just jumped straight into personal jabs. No it isn't. The intent is never playful. You just hide behind that to excuse your behavior. You jab and poke and mock and belittle and then deny everything or claim it was "just a prank bro." And you expect us to believe that, like we're developmentally delayed tenth graders or something. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/01/cd/d2/01cdd27a0374b76f37ee2cdb2fc14558.gif[/img] [/quote] 1.If I'm not arguing and I post a starterpack meme, then that's not a personal attack, unless of course the items in the starter pack are things you identify with and then you feel embarrassed which in that case its not my problem and you should talk to your insecurity about that. 2. Oh crap you had to go there. You had to go and make surface level assumptions to try and make a point, and now I gotta correct you and make your argument look stupid. Youre ASSUMING that Poohead is this 'hormonal young person' and that what cause him to state that girls chase him. Well here is news for you, [b]he's an adult in his late 20s and I'm actually the exact same age as him[/b]. So get outta here with that please. 3. Maybe he's hot and I'm ugly, maybe I'm hot and he's ugly, maybe we are both ugly and that doesn't matter because he and the girls he chases are s a p i o s e x u a l s and that doesnt matter anyway, but dear lord do you look a little silly criticising me for personal attacks and your most biting response you can muster is 'You might be ugly'. Holy crap you aint very good at this luv. 4. Other posters you mean MDK who still is struggling his forgetful ass trying to pinpoint exactly where I called him racist when he cant? Not exactly the 3rd legion is it? Or how about you being forgetful...? [i] "You never asked me Dynamo. You literally never asked. You have absolutely [i]no idea[/i] what I believe on the subject. You just jumped straight into personal jabs."[/i] I never asked you....?? [hider=UMMMMMM] [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [@Kratesis] Just out of interest, do you still think Ben Shapiro is Alt-Right or have you done away with that nonsense idea? [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXjOHRReURg[/youtube] [/quote] Your response: [quote=@Kratesis] [@Dynamo Frokane] I most certainly do. [/quote] [b]Page 158, cause you love your sources.[/b] [/hider] Oh and how did we get this tidbit about Ben Shapiro being alt-right if I never asked you about it??? [quote=@Kratesis] Many of the highest profile alt-righters are minorities of some sort. Jews feature prominently; Milo and [u][i][b]Ben Shapiro[/b][/i][/u] are extremely popular and being a minority who endorses Trump in a big way will make you a celebrity within their circles (see Joy Villa). [/quote] I'm sorry but youre just not very good at this, I know you want to be that shrewd, laid back conservative who dismisses all her opponents with hard facts and stern maturity but you're assuming too much, and forgetting too much and when it comes to making actual arguments against me you just turn into a hypocrite by calling me ugly. And for your final paragraph, I dont care what you speculate, It doesn't matter if you think I'm being playful or not, my intent is for me to decide, not you. If Poohead takes issue with my playful memes and jabs, I will absolutely apologise with no hesitation, but for that to happen you might have to stop speaking for him. He's not a hormonal teenager, he's a grown man. Can you give this up now? I'm happy to talk more Ben Shapiro with you, but if you think youre going to get anywhere trying to attack my meme sharing, you're gonna have a bad time. [img]http://www.superpcenginegrafx.net/img/sfiice_comp_continue_md2.gif[/img]