[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#0099ff]Jenna Westbrook[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/cc2994ca444477fdc5239520e15a5143/tumblr_inline_mrsx684Nmc1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][color=0099ff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Inside Town Hall [/center][hr][hr] Jenna paused for a moment as she heard the officers entering. A simple text wouldn't be enough to make them go away and while she could come up with a plausible explanation for being inside, she didn't want to try her luck any further. She needed to get to the shop across town and learn more about what exactly Mayor Ryder had gotten himself mixed up with. No helpful ghosts were around to give her hints as to her next move, but she spotted a set of windows. She could probably climb through those and slip away. She'd just need to hope no cops were waiting outside. It was a toss up as to whether or not it'd be better to get caught inside or outside. Deciding to try her luck, Jenna made a quiet dash for the windows, feeling relieved when she found they were unlocked. Opening up the window slowly, she tried to avoid it creaking, imagining that no one had oiled the hinges in ages. It seemed like the type of cleaning task that would be neglected. Once open, Jenna then carefully hoisted herself up and climbed out of it, hoping that she had been fast enough to avoid the officers finding her.