[@Dutchess Sarah] [@Raptra] [@Enalais] [@HylianRose] Just as the action began between cold-flames girl, Eira, and muscular-dragon guy, Kaze, a newcomer arrived and sat close by. It was a girl with long hair, a bit longer than her own. [i][color=#53A893] [[Not too shabby.]] [/color][/i] Lucky thought to herself as she assessed Sarah. She leaned back against the bleacher behind her and held out the bag of trail mix towards Sarah. [b][color=#53A893]"Watchin' these two will make you want some fuel for later."[/color][/b] Lucky said, shaking the bag slightly to indicate that Sarah could take some if she wanted. She was going to offer some to Cole as well, but something about the way he held himself made her reconsider. He seemed polite enough, but she couldn't put her finger on what made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up being in close proximity to him. Honestly, whatever it was about him fascinated her. She would record his fight and study it before she truly approached him one way or another. With a quick sideways glance, she quickly took in Eric as well. She liked him, he sent off rather pleasant vibes. He seemed safe, and he stood up for other people. She would probably befriend him quickly. At least, she hoped she would. A lot of the other people here seemed to be somewhat out of her league, such as Eira and Kaze. She would survive all of their attacks sure, even if they had thrown them at her full-pelt, but all she would have been to the two monsters was a punching bag more than likely. She was glad to have avoided a fight with either one of them, to be honest. When the fight between Eira and Kaze ended, she hit the "end recording" button on her phone quickly and saved the file. However, when the next two duelists were announced, Lucky's gaze flicked between Cole and Lain. Lucky felt bad for Lain, the poor thing. She seemed like a nervous wreck. Having to fight Cole, who Lucky suspected was way more than he appeared, made Lucky think that Lady Jade and Professor Jacob were somewhat sadistic. She gave Lain a reassuring thumbs up with her free hand and called out. [b][color=#53A893]"You'll be okay! Just trust Lady J'."[/color][/b]