[center][h3]Jungle Tabernacle - The Sealed Door[/h3] [@floodtalon][@ProPro] [@Lazo][@Lugubrious][@kapuchu] [@Zarkun][/center] Kushiel flinched almost as if he stopped himself from touching something disgusting, but quickly regained his composure. He took a breath, then turned his back to the group, walking towards the seal, [i][color=yellow]"I see... So things in this world truly are dire, if this is all the Council could find to do their bidding..."[/color][/i], he began. [i][color=yellow]"I was really looking forward to this, perhaps I could find it in myself to not be abhored by demons, but I see now I was foolish to think such a thing. Demons must be disposed of, it appears that has not changed. And you humans, if you wish to cooperate, salvation under His rule will not be out of your reach"[/color][/i], he offered. One hand swung back, calling forth the long thing red spear known as the Longinus, and the other was outstretched towards the humans of the group. [i][color=yellow]"So then, you humans have one last chance. I know not the will of the Council, and we have always been allies, but it seems either you act on your own, or the council's wishes no longer align with His".[/color][/i] It seems the demons were out of the question for a second chance, conflict with them is inevitable, but the humans of the group still had an option. Will they side with the demons of the Council? Heaven? Or perhaps they could step out of the ring and avoid the fight themselves...? Many eyes more than those that were visible in the room were watching. Each breath could be heart, each racing heartbeat could be felt like the drums of war before the coming battle. Kushiel had a distinctly faint aura around him, as white and holy as it was... It was terrible, an oppressive presence, the presence of ultimate order. He was dead set on forcing them to relinquish the orb. Whatever the will of Heaven was now, the status quo did not feel like their purpose.