Splatterer had what he always wanted, a fight worthy of a god. Was Sigmund a god? No. But some twisted part of his narcissism believed he was. General Freedom allowed the ZPE to build up in his body. The crackling of air as the smell of burning ozone wafted away from him. The billowing smoke shifted again. It was clear that Sigmund held the girl by her leg. Steve saw, and felt the huge blast of fire that the girl spewed from her mouth. It was both impressive and dangerous. Sigmund, in his current state, would perceive it as a threat and challenge. Indeed, he did. Steve had little time to react. The concussive wave washed around the hero known as General Freedom, a cobalt blue shield in front of him. The ground shook, glass broke and detritus blew way in scattered directions. Those who were unlucky enough to be in the path of the debris would suffer. Then he saw a familiar sight. While Steve was not familiar with the Guardian, he had studied his profile on many occasions. An angel, and a powerful one at that, who had come to Earth to protect it from one of his own. Why he stayed Steve would have to ask him when, if, they survived. The girl was gone, Steve glimpsed her for a moment as she sailed past him and into a building. A flicker of a smile crossed his lips. He had suffered a few of those from the Splatterer before, they hurt. Steve hoped the building could withstand the impact. Of the girl, anyone that breathed fire probably could. She couldn’t be a glass cannon, could she? As soon as he had a clear shot, Steve shouted, [color=6ecff6]"Sigmund! Do you want another shot at me? You got it."[/color] Before he finished he taunt, he dropped into a horse stance. His hands thrust forward, swirling cobalt energies erupting in a flash, ripping the air asunder. A tremendous clap of thunder followed a scant half second after the bolt fired. Sigmund would have to shift his body to avoid or deflect the energy strike. While the energy could topple Sigmund if he wasn't ready, it was more a diversion than anything else. If the Guardian could take advantage of it he might be able to land a blow that could stun Sigmund. If not, well it would get messy.