WIP [hider=Leora] [hider=The Cycle] Leora used to be absent from the world of man, living among the stars and simply watching the world change before her eyes. In a word, she was ethereal. Once the Nocturnes began to worship her moon, however, she had a change of heart. She began to watch the people diligently, and fell in love with them. She came to believe that mortals were, in many ways, stronger than the gods because of their ability to age and die. She found power in this cycle and, wanting to understand it, committed herself to be reborn over and over again in hopes of becoming more powerful each time. Leora’s personality changes drastically as she ages. When she the Child she looks at the world with childlike wonder, asking questions about every single thing she sees.Once she matures into the Maiden, she absorbs the knowledge of her previous lives from the moon, and then over time she becomes more and more reclusive and pensive, mulling over her thoughts and looking for signs in the stars. When she becomes the Mother, new life is put into her and she becomes extraordinarily charitable, trying to fix things that cannot be fixed, to make the world a better place. Finally, after she gives birth to the Child and becomes the Crone, the life is slowly drained from her and she becomes reclusive once more. [hider=The Child] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bc/38/f4/bc38f43e35eb4f8d26877d092ffce007--goddess-art-moon-goddess.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=The Maiden] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4b/af/0a/4baf0a7e4ee069253215fb8ec3565bb8--elves-female-dark-elf-female.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=The Mother] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cf/4c/b8/cf4cb8e79784fc3794d78ea4e620f20d.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=The Crone] [img]https://goddessinspired.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/crone-goddess.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Powers] Major Domain:The Moon Minor Domains: Witchcraft, Night Weaknesses: When Leora is the Child, she is extremely vulnerable as she has not yet learned her own power. She is equally as vulnerable as the Crone, as her powers are beginning to wane. Additionally, as she draws her power from the moon, she is weaker during the daytime hours. Center of Power: the Lumine, a small orb the size of a pearl. As the moon cycle changes, so does the colour of the orb, showing the moon phase. It is passed from the Mother to the Child, and when it does it turns pure black and gradually brightens as the Child absorbs power from the Crone. Godly Equipment: Leora’s Tear ~ [/hider] [hider=Novu] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a6/79/fe/a679fef9d185bad7421cbb41c151e52e.jpg[/img] Novu is an enormous snowy owl that patrols the skies above Leora’s domain, and hides deep within the caves of the Luminess mountains during the daytime. [/hider] [hider=Relations] Stance: This is your stance on what is currently taking place, who you support if anyone or yourself etc... Loyalty During the Rebellion: The Civil war has only recently ended, who’s side did you fight on? Relations: If you want to collaborate pre-existing relationships with other places, please put them here. I highly encourage this. [/hider] [hider=Kendra of the Flower] Kendra of the Flower [/hider] [hider=Noctura] Noctura is sometimes called “The Forest of Mist”. During the daytime hours, the woods are so thick with mist that visibility is almost completely eliminated. However, it is during the night that the land truly comes alive. At twilight, the fog lifts and the willow trees that cover the land absorb the power of the moon, changing their leaves from a dull grey colour to fluorescent glowing blue. The bark of these willow trees is as white as ivory. The grass also undergoes a change from grey to bright blue as the moon rises, and the air seems to hum with a certain almost electric energy produced by the trees. Rising out of the centre of the maze-like forest is the Luminess Mountains, and the light from the capital can be seen from below. Small groves built around ponds litter the landscape of Noctura, where luminescent water is said to have magical properties. The groves are all towns of their own built by fairies and wisps. It is said that once Noctura was simply plains with many ponds littering the landscape, but a meteor crashed down to the Luminess Mountains, and stardust fell into the ponds, from which the magical forest sprouted. [/hider] [hider=The Nocturnes] The Nocturnes are the people of the Luminess mountains, and the first settlers of Noctura. Tall and lithe, they are humanoid with skin tones varying from pale, almost translucent white to a deep purple. Eyes are in a wide range of bright colours from amber to purple, with many in the blue range. Culture Technology: What level of Technology do they have? Nothing later than early medieval Capital: What is the capital of your lands? Name it and describe it. [/hider] [hider=Other Beings] WIP [/hider] [/hider]