The draconic being had been blown away from the Splatterer, that much was evident. There was no time to see if she was alright; with the distance created between her and the monster, Lychinus had a straight shot at him, without risk of collateral. He zipped closer until he could see the target through the thinning smoke. The Splatterer was about 50 feet below him, surrounded by broken concrete and smouldering car parts, recovering from the motion of the blow that had launched the dragon girl. He halted for a second. Someone else was trying to catch the monster’s attention, the blue-clad hero below. Lychinus was aware of General Freedom, the well-known superhero, but his memory was cloudy on the specifics. Telling one human from another was hard enough, and he hadn’t been back long enough to remember the many new beings who protected or threatened the Earth. He could, however, be fairly certain that the man was an ally. When General Freedom launched his blue projectile at the Splatterer, the opportunity was not lost on him. Lychinus readied his sword in two hands, the tip pointed down at his target. He waited just a moment, until the bolt would either hit or miss its target, before using his energy wings to launch himself downward at great speed, at about a 45 degree angle. He aimed a powerful lunge straight at the monster’s chest, hoping to exploit the distraction and pierce its heart, ending this carnage with a single strike. If the attack was dodged, he was prepared to come to a similarly abrupt stop, halting himself from crashing into the ground and maintaining a position from which he could defend himself.