[@Genbor] Wonderful question, and yes you got the jist of it fairly down pat, and as you mentioned it is more like a guidelines system for us to incorporate a bit of spontaneity in our posts rather than just forming them coherently in our minds. As far as what you wrote above you would be correct. like on a 4d2 roll with two successes hat would indeed be a success, and again, it would've been a bit sketchy, but still a success. Anytime that you have a skillset that ends up with a roll of one you can either assume that is a failure, or a very costly, or shotty success. A one is generally considered to be a failure because no zeros can be rolled. If you get all successes in a pickpocket roll it then changes the roll for the payout, to a d20 instead of a d100, and pays in gold coin instead of bits.. All successes is like hitting a good scratch off. Again, this is just a guideline model for allowing a bit of our writings and posts to be a bit beyond our control, nothing more. Also when fighting or what have you, you don't need to roll for each blow or attack, one roll should suffice for the whole ordeal, if that makes sense.