[@Zarkun], [@Darkmoon Angel], [@LuckyBlackCat], [@Dusksong], [@Cerces22] Everyone, yes, try to make sure to make sure you get your Poke Marts looking good if you have a location. But don't forget to post IC as your character before the end of this month. You can even do this before worrying about your Poke Mart's inventory. I say this for two main reasons... First:[indent] [quote]There are numerous ways to earn TP: [list] [*] Every time you post IC, your character earns one TP. [*] Your first IC post of each month earns your character 5 TP instead of 1 TP. [*] Each type of organization has its own unique way of awarding TP. [*] TP can transfer user-to-user in the form of gifts, selling items, or 'battle wagers' (later section). [/list][/quote][/indent] Second:[indent] [quote]There are many different ways to level up a Pokemon. [list] [*] Pokemon can gain one level by having a battle with a wild Pokemon. [*] Pokemon can gain two levels by participating in a PvP battle. [*] All Pokemon left at a daycare at the time of your first IC post in an IRL month will gain two levels. This cannot be combined with the Pokemon party condition below. [*] All the Pokemon in your party at the time of your first IC post in an IRL month will gain three levels. This cannot be combined with the Pokemon daycare condition above. [*] Pokemon may gain levels from the item called "Rare Candy". [*] Pokemon may gain levels through special conditions from special Pokeballs or Special Items. [/list][/quote][/indent] EDIT: So by getting a post in before this month ends, you can still get the bonuses at the begining of November as well, which is right around the corner. ALSO: At the moment, the RP is in day time. But since it's about to turn night time, it might make sense if we all agreed to write as if it was late in the day, if not moments before nightfall. Oh and in case you didn't hear. We are not picking up [i]exactly[/i] where the last RP left off. [b]A couple of days have past[/b].