You really do get a kick out of trying to aggravate people don't you? Ah well, can't fault you for a trait we both share... You could try some level of finesse though. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] I'm on my phone with a small screen, I always do a lot of posts with a lot of edits. You must be new here. Feel free to talk about some politics. Because as much fun as Im having, this isnt actually a roman coliseum, if youre not discussing anything politcally relevant, Id appreciate if you kept your comments about me to yourself. EDIT: I half take that back, you are absolutely allowed to make comments about me, my memes and my argument style. I'm saying that you cant ONLY come in here and shit on me without doing anything else. This is a mildly political hangout thread so in addition to everything you are doing, as the thread host, I ask you to be mildly political like everyone else here is. [/quote] Sounding a bit defensive there, and a bit paranoid, I made one comment directed at you, in light jest, there was no complaint when I made the claim that you and Kratesis were both being equally petty. Ahh so while you can occasionally engage in some good old-fashioned fun at others expense, I can't? or at least, not at your expense? So in other words, If I explain how you are making yourself look like a fool, I am free to leave? Please though, keep talking about how your memes get on everyone's nerves (Did I once mention memes?). I noticed you pointed the finger at the starterpack memes though, when Kratesis mentioned 'snarky memes'(Sorry if my meme knowledge is lacking, but couldn't the condescending wonka also be considered snarky, or any other number of passive-aggressive meme's you post?) I wonder why you immediately focused upon that specific meme, something like a freudian slip, if I had to hazard a guess. I think you may be becoming a tad overstimulated - firing on all cylinders? In neurological terms, that's a step away from a panic attack. No I don't think you are going to have a panic attack. I'm guessing you feel assaulted on all sides by inferior minds, and that, combined with the rush of endorphins you experience when you prove someone 'wrong' over the internet is inhibiting your ability to recognise when you are acting the fool. Much the same way someone can think they are doing wonderfully in a fight, despite being destroyed. Feel free to argue but "You're not very good at this, You must be new here, his forgetful ass, etc etc, doesn't do much to support the idea of you considering this to be a conversation among equals, or of you being invested in a calm and rational discussion. While we are on the subject of brain juices, though you and Poohead both likely have slightly lower hormone levels than what you did in the prime of puberty, actual hormonal decrease in males generally doesn't begin until approximately the age of 30 at a rate of about 1% a year. Poohead, and yourself, are both still very much hormonal young people (You really think a couple years of uwntsumfukbby is enough for the human population to survive before healthcare?) [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Lets see how brief that turns out to be. [/quote] 'Mildly Political' Damn, it's starting to look like you use the title of this thread as a shield to protect yourself from criticism while leaning heavily on the mildly whenever you wish to spew your own venom at someone. P.S. Can I go back to popcorn lurking and snide comments? Because it's much more fun to make notes to myself about a person's mental state than to have to try and make someone come to grips with it themselves, at least over the internet. I did try and tell you to cool off in my own asshat way, it's not my fault that in your defensive state you immediately jumped to a broken spirit (Which believe me, I doubt there is anything in the world that can break your spirit, your own egotistical posts have explained as much) instead of taking the time to consider what I may have meant. Endorphins do that, they also make you feel good. Too much of a good thing?