Jenso continued onwards after Ada let him through as she continued her battle with Oz and Jeff. He hoped his Omega Saw would be of use, but he felt confident that the two heroes would be able to hold their own regardless. As he entered the tower, he spotted Alvios and Bruce. He smiled at them. [color=f26522]"Hey guys!"[/color] He shouted with a smirk on his face. That's when his gaze fell upon Vale's dead body, and he frowned. His smile vanished immediately. [color=f26522]"I guess he was unable to get over his hate towards me in the end...I hoped he would have understood that Yzeira was the true enemy and fought beside us. I think he wanted to avenge Lark's death, in his own twisted way, and believed that it was my fault despite that Yzeira got Lark killed..."[/color] Jenso spoke in a sad tone.