[Center][h2]Heartless-Trainyard[/h2] [@yoshua171][@BCTheEntity][@Eklispe][@ProPro][@Old Amsterdam][/center] Heartless slinked from skylight to skylight, carefully noting every detail he could about the inside of the building. A grin was on his face as he watched the guy with the shotgun, headphones on as he obliviously picked his nose. Front entrance can be cleared easily as long as they were quiet about it, don't want to alert the people actually paying attention inside. With his mental map made, he quickly made his way back to everyone else. Only to find that Chatterbox and Headhunter were already gone, making their way around back for some classic flanking. Heartless activated his communicator and quickly relayed the details to everyone. [color=gray]"I'm gonna take out the dude in the lobby and then Thunderbolt and Sophia can go in from there, anyone have anything to add?"[/color]