Robert quickly exited the cart. He saw what basically amounted to was a giant mole with a drill wreaking the track's and stopping them from getting to their destinations. Dorumon got infront of Robert and fired a Dash metal into it's face, luckily it was fur instead of a protein armour shell, so the Drimogemon was staggered by the the metal cannonball impacting the side of the cheeks crying out in pain. The Drimogemon charged at them, but Robert hacked the ground under them causing them to raise it above the charging Drimogemon. Dorumon jumped off with Robert's his arms around his neck holding on to dear life while in midair he yelled out. {Metal cannon!} A short pause was made before Doru fired a high speed ball fired into it's back. Causing it to cry out the to cry out in pain as the Doru landed. "You are really heavy haven't you ever heard of something called the gym." Doru said to Robert in a very sarcastic tone. However, after he said that the enemy Digimon dug into the ground. Tunneling under it. With Robert and Doru having no clue where he went, until Doru realized where it was going to end up, right under them. Doru head butted Robert out of the way as the mole drilled from the ground before screaming at them in a low grizzly voice. {Drill crusher!} Doru was gazed by the attack, but it was still from an attack from a stonger Digimon and a level above him, which caused Doru to sail into the air with red coding spilling from the wound like blood. "Doru!" Robert screamed with genuine worry in his voice. Robert hacked the ground raising walls by rewriting the axis of the floor. Robert ran to his partner, lead on his side with a red gash on his of the side of his rib cage. Robert looked grabbed his digivice from left pocket remembering what Norn said about repairing objects, as the Drimogemon started to crumble the fortifications Robert layed out between them. (Mind if I take the First Digivolution?)