D1 - p4 [h1]Saizou Nanaya, Master of Assassin Fujimura Residence[/h1] [hr] Rider, eliminated. That was certainly one way to start the next two weeks. He listened to Assassin's comments, smiling all the while. It was interesting to hear about the world from her perspective-- it was certainly not a perspective one would call common. There was a novelty to normality, but he was not born into normality. While she did her work, keeping an eye on their enemy, Saizou did his own. He brushed down his uniform, ridding it of any crinkles, and adjusted his hat. Maybe this meeting would be unnecessary, maybe their foe simply wasn't worth the effort, but it would be foolish to not make full use of his position. After minutes of waiting outside of a screen door, it finally opened to reveal his host, sat in a kneel at a table. A young man not a few years older than himself. Assuming permission, Saizou stepped in, bowed, and then took his own kneeling position at the table. "Fujimura Raija. It is an honour to finally put a face to a name," Saizou said, bowing his head to the young man sat across from him. "In my time in this city, I have heard about you and your people. You do good work, I am told." Yakuza. Saizou had no negative thoughts for them, not off the bat at least. His own family was hardly any better, nor much worse. They simply dealt in different matters. "Sgt. Nanaya Saizou," He said, a slight smile making its way onto his lips. "I hope for a productive discussion." While he introduced himself to Raiga, his vision was actually focused on Stheno, peering through her eyes. The ship she had spied was not like anything he had seen before. [i]'I would gladly acquire it for our sakes, but... I find myself unsure of what it is. I had figured our foe would have tools at their disposal, but this is beyond my expectations,'[/i] He communicated to Stheno, keeping a pleasant face up for Raiga all the while. [i]'Do be careful, Assassin. We have no idea what tricks that thing may have.'[/i] Yes, this was the first development that, in Saizou's opinion, required an extra degree of caution. Servants and Masters were to be expected, but some sort of golden craft? A bit unusual. It was unlikely to belong to a Servant if it was just being left out for Assassin to see. [i]'A curious thing. Do you recognize it at all, Assassin?'[/i] A shot in the dark, but one worth taking. The worst that could happen is that she says no.