Watching the Vodran board the ship in a singlefile line, Klaatu couldn't help but calculate the money as it walked onto his ship. ‘You’ll be worth about eight maybe nine thousand credits’ he thought to himself as a thinner adult Vodran walked past his gaze. ‘Oooh you’ll be worth at least twenty five thousand,’ Klaatu though. “Make sure the big one there gets to eat good, we want him to be as stocky as possible when the buyers come.” He barked at his men, slightly grinning as he spoke. Klaatu thought of Harra the Hutt, the former unofficial ruler of vodran. Thanks to her completely dismantling their infrastructure and societal hierarchy, the planet lay open for taking. The people were too unorganized to mount any kind of real defense against his armed force thugs. What united his men wasn’t a valiant cause or fear that klaatu might break them(though he has before). What unites his men is the knowledge that at the end of the day they all know their getting a large chunk of credits. Even though Klaatu was a sadistic twisted freak with a weird desire to hear his victims scream, he never shorted anyone on pay, and was consistently generous to those who did a job well done. Ironically, the crew of criminals was that based on an honest work labor system. As with every successful hull of livestock, the crew all drank a celebratory mug, saluting their Captain. Once the last of the new prisoners were loaded into the cells, focus shifted towards take off. Klaatu however was too busy thinking to pay attention whatever it was commander oren spewed at him. Vodran had utterly no government, and no one to track him and his crew. It looked almost too easy. The base on nal hutta was only a bar with a min-hutt palace second floor with some minor modifications. It was to easy a target for his team to continue to operate out of. This planet however, was a natural camouflage with the foggy swamps covering most of its surface. It would be easy to stay hidden if they really put forth the effort. The more he considered it, the more Klaatu liked the idea. Interrupting Oren, Klaatu commanded him to get the nal hutta outpost on the holocom immediately. In a few moments, very buff gamorrean appeared on the holocom, bowing to Klaatu, praising his leader. “Halt all operations on Nal Hutta immediately. I don't want anymore deals going through the cantina anymore, you understand me? From now own, the only thing you offer customers is a nice beverage and maybe some food.” Klaatu spoke, the Gamorrean grunting and nodding in reply. Turning back to Oren as the com went dark, Klaatu was quick to order the Lambdas to come in for a landing on the remains of the village, surrounding the Tartarus. Walking down to engineering, Klaatu found both Izen and Blodo at separate tables both deeply involved in their work. The noise of the workshop hurt Klaatu’s eardrums, forcing him to cover his ears as he entered the room. Unable to get their attention by yelling or stomping, Klaatu fired his blaster between the two tables, making both nearly jump out of their skin. Both of them now facing Klaatu he told them their new instructions. “I need you too to get all the scrap metal you can. I don’t care if its broken gun parts, old ship parts, or you kill one of the cyborgs and take him apart, but I need you guys to make 48 shock collars.” “Shock collars?” Izen asked “What could you possibly have pla…” He stopped, thinking “you know what, I don't want to know. What kind of shock collar are we talking? One to tame a beast or just to keep someone from getting out of hand?” Izen asked, pulling out a pad to take down the specifics of the request. “Are you trying to make them automatic or do you want them to have controllers?” Blodo asked. “I need them to be able to respond to a controller, but I need them in groups. Six controllers that each have eight collars at its command.” Klaatu explained. The math was simple. He had 6 ships, including the one he was standing on. That means he could divide the slaves into 6 different group to go to 6 different places and gather resources for them to begin construction with. There are a total of 79 prisoners on board the tartarus, only 15 areto unhealthy for labor, and only 5 are too young to put to work or sell. That left him with 11 alternates to keep his labor force just below the point of overexhaustion. Add in his 60+ crew members on board and piloting the Lamba’s and he had a rather large workforce. “How do you expect us design and craft nearly 50 slave collars with just the supplies on the ship?!?” Izen asked, regretting his tone immediately. Klaatu strode up to the small zabrak grabbing him by the collar, lifting him off the floor with one hand, he began to choke the small mechanic. Blodo only stood aside, watching his friend’s life force drain from his eyes. Klaatu began to think calmly again, releasing his grip of the small alien’s neck, dropping him to the floor in a small heap. “You’ll figure it out, won’t you boy’s?” Klaatu asked, a his tone hinting at something much more painful coming. The two aliens only nodded with their eyes to the floor. Adjusting his suit, Klaatu walked out of the engineering bay, his composure regained. As he strode back down hall, headed for one of the solitary cell’s to let off steam, one of oren’s communications officers approached him from behind. “Sir, you have a message from a Koren Graeff, he requests our services.” the crew member spoke, as he read the message on the small screen in his hands. ‘Stress relief will have to wait’ Klaatu thought to himself. “Show me this message.” Klaatu said taking the screen from the officer’s hand, walking with him back towards the elevator. Arriving on the upper deck once more, Klaatu sat in his rarely used captains chair. “Commander Oren, please send a transmission to this golden company. Ask them where they would like to meet and what kind of livestock are they looking for.” he said, resting his head on his arm. “As you command sir.” Oren replied, nodding at his officers to send the message. “Are the prisoners all locked away?” Klaatu asked, scrolling through the cell database. On the small screen in his hand, he could access every camera on the sip, as well as open, shut, and lock any cell door. “Yessir, all prisoners are locked away and accounted for.” Oren replied back, checking his own device. “Take us back into orbit then commander.” Klaatu ordered, adjusting the screen in front of him. As the ship left the surface of the planet, Klaatu looked onto the small device and grinned with pleasure sa he fill one of the cells with gas. The prisoner in the cell began to panic, grabbing at their throat, banging on the walls, gasping for oxygen. Just as the alien passed out, he turned off the gas and kicked the vents back on, circulating air back into the room. As the alien regained consciousness Klaatu began to lower the oxygen and release the gas again, waiting again just to just until the alien passed out. He continued to toy with the alien’s life as the ship began to take off again, back into orbit.