[h1] [centre] Sunday Lunch time [/centre] [/h1] [h3] [centre] Late Autumn, Sol City [/centre] [/h3] [centre] [img]https://animewithsky.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/47721882_p0.jpg?w=859[/img] [/centre] Corona park was a sea of golden leaves and the sun was hanging lower causing the grass than take a slightly golden effect. The bright plants of summer had died back and been replaced by the autumnal tones and crunch of dried leaves on the winding paths in the forest Walk. In the cities old Harbour the old warehouse apartments brightly stood out in the harbour, brick weathered by decades of harsh weather and paint of there former companies still vaguely viable though many now where trendy apartments and shops.. The weather had begun to turn slowly to winter, nights where drawing in and the sun Sat lower in the sky. Still Sol City was bright, pumpkin spice lattees sold by the thousand in the coffee shops and the bright lights of Centre Point gleamed out visible for miles despite the changing seasons.