[center][h1][b]Kaze[/b][/h1][/center] Kaze glanced at Tamietta and raised an eyebrow. He never fully understood some of the women's armors. How did covering your breasts and waits protect you from a Rathian's sweeping tail-swipe? [i]I swear women infect everything they touch with 'fashion'.[/i] He thought, preferring practical clothing over what looked nice. Hell his own clothing had a wide belt of iron and it was just his cloths, not actual armor. Rolling his shoulder a little he went with the others to the base camp that was probably set up by Cyrus himself years upon years ago. He didn't really know the history of the village but if he asked around he'd probably learn. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kazuki was explaining stuff as they toured the Base Camp, the two differently colored chests and their purposes. Blue, held items for the group, red was the drop off point for collections. He and Clara would share a map it seemed. Before he could ask his question Kazuki leaped off the cliff. "Well...was gonna ask what to do if we encounter the iodrome before he does..." He muttered before getting a couple things out of the chest. A map, a first-aid med pack, and a pack of rations. It wasn't too hot around here and judging by the coloring of the map a few areas outside the base camp weren't overly hot. Leaping off the cliff and landing heavily shortly afterwards Kaze got his first look of the area. It was pretty docile, nothing to fancy or dangerous. So shaking the tremor out of his legs he started to walk around, examining the local plants and area. No point just running through to some other area that had his targets.