[centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/373439341596377088/Travis.png[/img][/centre] [color=springgreen]"I understand, I'll not pry."[/color] Travis said with a smile, he was surprised how many people he'd met just from leaving the house. Perhaps he should do it more often. Not tomorrow tho, he had an early shift, tho he mostly chose the early shift because they weren't as busy everyone was sleeping and stuff. [color=springgreen]"Well actually I just had myself a coffee at a new coffee shop that just opened up. It was really good actually. So I'm alright on drink at the moment. If you want directions I can give them to you... Oh I almost forgot here's my phone number so we can stay in contact."[/color] Travis jotted down his number on a little note and handed it to Kristian. [color=springgreen]"Friends gotta keep in touch."[/color] Travis smiled, this was actually one of the few times he'd handed his number to someone outside of work.