[Center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjA4Njg2My5RWEowWlcwZ1JIcGhaMjlsZGcsLC4wAAAA/eurocentric.regular.png[/img][hr] [sub][Colour=Teal][u]Age[/u][/Colour] [Colour=Lightgray]29[/Colour] [Colour=Teal][u]Date of Birth[/u][/Colour] [Colour=Lightgray]2052[/Colour] [Colour=Teal][u]Current Residence[/u][/Colour] [Colour=Lightgray]Petrogradsky District[/Colour] [Color=Teal][u]Gender[/u][/Color] [Colour=Lightgray]Male[/Colour][/sub] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dpWtUfe.png[/img] [/Center][hr] [sub][Center][Colour=Teal][u]Appearance[/u][/Colour][/Center] [Colour=Lightgray]At an average height on 6'0" and a rather slight 155lbs, Artem mostly relies on his intimidating aesthetic to make his way through the Russian underground. His tattoos, which include several murals to lost friends, compliment his traditional buzz-cut and round off a menacing look. An accident he suffered as a child resulted in his entire left arm being replaced bionically. It has gone through many iterations and such are the costs of high-end bionics he has resorted to a rather mundane Bar-Helix design. His right forearm however was a matter of choice. Replacing his tendons and fingers has lent heavily to his work making him stronger and more precise. The last bionic addition Artem has is a filtration system embedded in his neck. Attached to his windpipe it filters out the daily multitude of cigarettes. The smoke is then released in a rather sinister nature through two small holes hidden by the dogs open maw tattooed across his neck.[/Colour] [Center][Colour=Teal][u]Personality[/u][/Colour][/Center] [Colour=Lightgray]Calm[/Colour] [Colour=Teal]"Lets just take a breath."[/Colour] [Colour=Lightgray]Skeptical[/Colour] [Colour=Teal]"He is hiding something, that friendly front he puts on? nah man, I'm not fooled."[/Colour] [Colour=Lightgray]Hardworking[/Colour] [Colour=Teal]"The more you sweat on the training pitch the less you bleed on the battlefield."[/Colour] [Colour=Lightgray]Assertive[/Colour] [Colour=Teal]"You sure about that? step to me and we'll find out boy."[/Colour] [Colour=Lightgray]Compulsive[/Colour] [Colour=Teal]"Tsk, just let me do me man it's my life."[/Colour] [Colour=Lightgray]Whilst many like to pretend they don't judge someone the moment they meet it's an unfortunate truth of the modern era, one that Artem has sought to take advantage of. His tough, tattooed exterior quite violently contrasts the person underneath. Yet owning such menacing features has paid off many times throughout Artems life. To the select few that really know him Artem is a hardworking individual that generally prefers to keep to himself. After a troublesome childhood that thrust him into the Russian underground, he has found it much more applicable to simply keep his head down. However Artem is not completely passive. When the situation calls for it he is able to feign a personality not unlike his appearance suggests, allowing him to be assertive and intimidating when he wants to be.[/Colour] [Center][Colour=Teal][u]History[/u][/Colour][/Center] [Colour=Lightgray]Artem was not born in St.Petersburg but in Moscow. His father, a man of renown in certain circles, was a Mob Boss at the point of his birth. As such Artems upbringing would be considered unfortunate by many, he was constantly surrounded by drugs, guns and the various paraphernalia of the underground scene. It was his mother that somehow managed to instil some morals in the young boy before she passed. At the tender age of eight Artem found himself motherless and in the hands of a unfit father whom was intent on raising a future kingpin. Throughout his teen years Artem often chose the company of his fathers henchmen. Being his fathers son he was naturally treated well, and as friends at school were a rarity it was with those thugs that Artem sought friendship. During his time throughout school and particularly in college, Artem started to resent his father and the reputation it garnered for him. He did not make friends easily and those that would speak with him often did so at arms reach. The cohort of goons he once knew as friends had shifted significantly, some were lost, some replaced. It was not a source of emotional stability for Artem, something he had been seeking since the death of his mother. He believes this to be why he loves mechanics. Choosing the path during college and later university, Artem found the time he spent on the inner workings of engines and gas lines, manifolds and fuel pumps to be soothing. It was an escape, one that could only end in work being done and not on the end of a gun barrel. Or so he thought. It took only a few months after his graduation, from Moscow technological university no less one of the few advantages of his birth-name Artem could tolerate, for his to decide his immediate future. He was not interested in being a Kingpin, he found the world of Russian crime to be cold, unrelenting and in its entirety damaging. He took the last picture of his mother he owned and left his fathers home, no word to anyone. It didn't take long for his absence to be noticed and the one thing Artem realised very quickly was that if the mob wanted to find you, you had better hide yourself well. He was now in his mid twenties. Forced back into the life he did not want. Finding it much easier to acquiesce to his fathers hand that rebel it is during this time that Artem donned his rough aesthetic. With a new bionic arm courtesy of his father, a vicious reminder that a Dzagoev cannot escape the life laid out for them, Artem could only hope to escape once more. This time however, he was smarter about it. St.Petersburg has been a safe haven for Artem. The presence of the Yakuza more often than not maintains the focus of the Bratva and so it is easy to stay hidden. He has been gone for nearly two years, worked as a Mechanic for a little over one. And whilst it was always going to be impossible to avoid the mob, Artem is content being on the other side of that dark line. [/Colour] [Center][Colour=Teal][u]Skills[/u][/Colour][/Center] [Colour=Lightgray]Artems speciality is in engine maintenance and fabrication. He understands the intricate nature of the CNEE or Contained Nuclear Energy Engine and it's component parts. He was hired on at Zero-One to maintain and tune the vast majority of vessels that stop by whilst the mob do their thing. Artem also has a love for fabrication, making body kits and chassis joinery are particular delights of his and he always pushes Oleg to give him a couple hours in the Fab department if business is slow. [/Colour][/sub]