[center][color=FireBrick][h1]Oshea Jackson[/h1][/color][/center] [center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/6/62/Everett_Thomas_%28Earth-616%29_004.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/166?cb=20070412113055[/img][/center] [center]"Keep ya Chucks laced and ya mind straight, it's time for war."[/center] Location: Xavier's Funtime Party Van [hr] In the jubilance of the moment, Oshea hadn't stopped to consider the gravity present. There were more lives on the line now, and it may be time for Oshea to push his childish tendencies to the back of his mind. With a lasting glance along the bus, he made a mental count of the name, face, and power of all those present: Nina was hulk-woman, Allison had telekinesis and her probability sight, Ayita was the shifter, Marygold the queen of plants; Damon the tattoo specialist, and he had not seen what the rookies could do yet. The one with the bangs whose legs wouldn't cease their incessant bouncing had an agitation to him--Oshea would note this as well. Some on the bus suggested breaking into teams: a solid idea, though it may play into the Brotherhood's trap. Divide, manipulate, conquer--a typical gameplan, but the most effective; this was especially so against this ragtag band of wannabes. Oshea had faith in his squadron, though. Yes, the first mission hadn't gone as planned, but everyone got out alive and so in Oshea's eyes, the mission was a success. A smile peppered Oshea's face as he compartmentalized and organized his X's and O's in his head with the teams which had been assembled. Maybe everything would be fine after all.