Auri tensed when the man Darrian came over towards them with the only thing saving him from a vial of acid was the casual setting down of his sword. Darrian remained miraculously unharmed when he began to undo the tight cord, which hurt as he first had to get his fingers under it, due to his calm talking and relaxed stance as he worked, all of this having a similar effect on the deranged flea bag as it would a wild animal. Calm and collected tones helped ease Auri and by the time the cord was undone both of their hands were away from weapons and they were actually feeling pleasant towards their accidental captor. So much so that they bounded off as soon as their leg was freed sporting a huge toothy grin. They headed towards the bush that the bird had erupted out of and returned moments later after a brief rummage around with three large eggs that had a dull bluish tinge. Auri then set them down at his feet and stood upright on the tips of their toes and raised a hand up to Darrians head, which was taller than their own, and said casually and matter of factly "Youre a big one, youll need more"