[b]Dreadnought Madron[/b] The meeting halted quickly after each of the officers were informed of the Destiny Ascendant's ftl jump. That and the use of several Tier III WMDs helped grabbed Admiral Naari's attention. When the Admiral arrived on the bridge it was in a flurry. It showed that even the approach of a single vessel necessitated proper fleet coordination and much of that was done here. Of course along with the sudden change in Covenant fleet movement mean the fleet was on high alert. "Set up a comm channel with the cruiser. If the Covenant comes within firing range engage them. I'm positive that little explosive demonstration possibly antagonized them." After those orders she left for the briefing room. In orbit of Aurora the recon probes continued sending information about Covenant activity. Constant monitoring of Covenant ground and space assets showed even more troops being deployed. The main settlement was currently being destroyed. NIA continued to process this information along with trying to figure out the Covenant’s strategy. There were massive Covenant ground vehicles moving to an unknown location. The VI decided to send this information to the Admiral when she was ready.