Here are a couple of secondary characters. I'll be posting more within the next few days. By the way, our class is known as "Warband Phoenix", while Ilya and Viveca's class is ""Warband Leviathan". *** [b]Father Antonin, "The White Necromancer" [/b] [img][/img] The Head of Medicine and Life Ether, Father Antonin was responsible for the teaching of the healing and necromantic arts within the Red Seminary. After the ordainment of Warbands Phoenix and Leviathan, the most recent graduating classes, Antonin was summoned to subjugate the Continent of El and left his post to serve on the Elurian front. Out of all the instructors within the Red Seminary, the T'saraen inquisitor was perhaps the kindest and most beloved instructor among the student populace. He was a man who truly seemed to care for the well-being of his pupils, and delighted in teaching those with the necessary ether type how to properly channel and make use of their healing abilities. According to available records, Antonin had held his post at The Red Seminary for more than two centuries. How the man has managed to live that long, while still maintaining the appearance of a man in his thirties, is one of the more enduring mysteries within the Seminary. Every student believes they know the answer to this mystery, but Antonin only answers each query with a wry smile. *** [b]Father Gregoroth, "The Great Bear" [/b] [img] [/img] A veteran of the Lanostran War and countless other conflicts, Father Gregoroth stands among the most renowned warriors in all of Varya. An inquisitor who has mastered the skill of ether manipulation, his raw physical strength and power, when enhanced by his potent ether abilities, are nigh unmatched in all the church. During the last days of the Lanostran war, he engaged in battle with Mother Xera Athalos, one of the most powerful warpriests of that land, in a duel which lasted three days and three nights. At the end of the battle, both Gregoroth and Xera were mortally wounded, but their sheer display of grit and strength caused soldiers from both lands to declare a temporary truce in honor of the two combatants' draw. The day after, the Goddess Lanostre surrendered to Lord Varya. Some believe that it was Father Gregoroth's duel that ended the war, as its result showed that even the Lady's greatest inquisitors couldn't beat him on a on-on-one fight. Gregoroth brushes aside this claim and believes the timing of the Lady's surrender to be mere coincidence. In the two decades since the war, Gregoroth has been the Head of Combat Training at the Red Seminary, where he has featured in the nightmares of many a pupil. His brutal and uncompromising methods have yielded many a promising inquisitor, while also leading to the deaths of countless trainees. The deaths of failed pupils does not lie heavily on Gregoroth's conscience, for he only strives for one truth-- to forge the strongest Inquisitors the Red Seminary has ever known.