Perry gratefully accepted the money from the girl, she turning and leaving on a quest. With it Perry quickly asked for a meal from the guild. He greedily finished the food and could hear the relieved sounds of Elena in his head. [color=ed1c24]"Oh, it's so nice to have food again, huh Perry? I mean, last night all we had was liquor, so getting some substance feels great today."[/color] He simply ignored her. She deserved a cold shoulder. He knew he should be used to this by now, but every time she decides to party away all of their money. Taking over while he sleeps... It was all so exhausting at times. [color=ed1c24]"Hey! C'mon! Talk to me!"[/color] No. No. If he gave her attention, it would only feed her. She continued to incessantly pester him. He even began to feel sorry for her when she started crying. Crocodile Tears of course, he could hear the falseness in them. He sat, finished with his meal, trying to think of a way to get into this guild. He had only been given enough money for that meal. He sat and contemplated for a few moments, but the clamoring in his head wouldn't give him a moment to think. [color=fff200]"Fine!"[/color] He yelled quietly so that his voice wasn't heard by too many around him, but gave enough tone to quiet Elena. [color=fff200]"Fine. Calm down, and let me think for a bit. It is so hard to think with you constantly talking."[/color] He was met with silence for several minutes. The minutes soon turned to hours... [color=ed1c24]"Well?"[/color] Elena finally said, fiding that she could control the mouth. [color=ed1c24]"Oh, did someone fall asleep while deep in thought?"[/color] she said, before running to a nearby bathroom, and changing into something a little more comfortable. She emerged from the men's room in her normal form. [color=ed1c24]"Ah, I feel so much better!"[/color] She called. [color=ed1c24]"Now, what are the requirements to get into this guild?"[/color] She said. [color=ed1c24]"Perhaps a big,"[/color] She began requiping, [color=ed1c24]"Strong," [/color] her red alluring dress appeared on her, [color=ed1c24]"Man would want to help me join?"[/color] she said, trying to gain as much attention as possible.