[@Dynamo Frokane] [quote]Youre ASSUMING that Poohead is this 'hormonal young person' and that what cause him to state that girls chase him. Well here is news for you, he's an adult in his late 20s and I'm actually the exact same age as him.[/quote] You know what? You're right, I did assume Poohead was in his early twenties or perhaps late teens because I glanced at a picture of him on another thread and formed an incorrect impression without all the facts. Also, as I re-read my message I can see that it might have implied Poohead is young and thus immature. I wasn't precise with my language so let me apologize to Poohead if I came across that way. That wasn't my intent. I remember my late teens and early twenties and based on my memory of that time I can easily imagine a situation where the typical social roles of male pursuer and female perused didn't always apply due to hormones and so forth. Essentially I gave (and give) Poohead the benefit of the doubt. Even if I didn't his romantic life is absolutely none of my business. Or yours. Which is why it boggles my mind that you would wait until Poohead made a comment that you saw as an opening and then jump in with quotes from so long ago. How long did you spend hunting those quotes down? Or did you bookmark the page in case you had the chance to make fun of him later? [quote]Oh and how did we get this tidbit about Ben Shapiro being alt-right if I never asked you about it???[/quote] And I replied something along the lines of how I still hold that view. But why? Perhaps I have a reason for that position. Perhaps there is a line of thought behind it, a worldview or way of using language to describe the world that explains why I differ on that score? But you don't care about any of that; you are (and were) clearly not looking for a discussion or even a debate-- you were scanning for anything you could mock or criticize without fully engaging in the conversation. You don't want to talk [i]about a position[/i] you want to talk [i]about the person[/i]. [quote]I'm sorry but youre[/quote] *you're [hider=This one is for you Spooki ;-P] [img]https://i0.wp.com/www.reactiongifs.com/r/ayne.gif[/img] [/hider] [quote]you just turn into a hypocrite by calling me ugly[/quote] Whoa there. How do you know my intent wasn't, how did you put it, "playful?" It seems to me that you use one standard to judge your own actions and another standard for everyone else. Anything you say is to be seen in the best possible light and anything someone else says is to be seen in the worst possible light. [quote]If Poohead takes issue with my playful memes and jabs, I will absolutely apologise with no hesitation[/quote] [i]And let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Dynamo Frokane doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.[/i] (There's your political reference ~_^) If you did not think that your comment wouldn't sting you would not have bothered to make it. That is one of the purposes of your little jabs. You want to make your target uncomfortable, you want to stick a negative label on them and you want to stir up a little bit of conflict. Do you recall how this whole thing started? You were talking to Penny about the political center and at the end of the post you tacked on an ad hominem against me. But that wasn't enough; you had to be sure I saw your little jab so you @mentioned me. You wanted to get in a little sniping remark and you wanted to make certain I saw it. I looked up the pages mdk referenced and it was yet another example of this sort of behavior. You get in a personal shot, you try to pin a label on him and you try to stir up conflict but you try to do so obliquely so you can deny it if you are ever called out. The severity and subtlety of this behavior varies. Sometimes you are careful but other times you go way too far. But regardless all of these events are joined by a number of common elements: 1. You target the person, not the position 2. You do so with the intent to mock or belittle that person and/or to damage their reputation 3. You avoid taking a position that can be criticized 4. You hide behind humor or subtlety so that you can deny your actions when/if called out on it The rest of us manage to discuss politics without sinking to those depths despite the fact that we often vehemently disagree and may at times discuss emotionally evocative issues that we feel strongly about. We are certainly not perfect-- but we don't sink this low. Your behavior is completely uncalled for.