[@PrinceAlexus] The slap didn't even matter. All Junks was focused on was Jack. [color=f7976a]"How? How are you here?"[/color] He and Jack walked a bit AMD sat down on the ground. It looked like diet but felt like daggers in Junks' ass. [color=9e0b0f]"I'm here because this is my purgatory. I wasn't no saint and I wasn't no sinner. I'm just stuck here.[/color] Junks looked worried. [color=f7976a]"..Am I stuck here?"[/color] Jack gave a chuckle. [color=9e0b0f]"New. I don't think yer a dead kid yet...Now listen. There's a guy down here that wants to meet you and your..Friends. C'mon Junks. We ain't got all day."[/color] Junks followed his mentor in a near trance like state. These glimpses of hell were simply like trying to open your eyes to the fierce afternoon sun as Jack began to lead Junks on the right path. A giant tower loomed far in the distance.